
第192章 第三册(17)

The quill feathers of some birds are used for ladies" hats and bonnets, for ornaments, and for making pens; the clothing feathers and down for stuf?ng beds, pillows, cushions, etc.

Lesson 06

Water as a Solvent

"I suppose," said Willie, "teacher only wanted to find out today how much we remember of our early lessons. He went over all the old work.""Yes," said Fred, "and as soon as tea is over I am going to try Norah. I wonder whether she has forgotten all about it."As soon as they were free, therefore, the boys got a few things together, and Fred began just as their teacher had begun in class.

"Look, Norah," he said, "I have here a piece of coal and a piece of salt. If I put them into water can you tell me how they will act?""Oh yes," said Norah. "The salt will dissolve in the water, but the coal will not dissolve.""But what do you mean by the word dissolve?" he asked again.