
第196章 第三册(21)

"Oh, Fred," she cried, " look at my pretty window boxes. I forgot to water them yesterday, and the sun has been so hot today, that all my beautiful flowers look scorched up and dying. Can we do anything for them ? I am so sorry.""All right, little sister," said Fred, "crying won"t do any good, so dry your eyes and let us see what can be done for them. Here, Will, you go and get a pail of water. The best way to revive them is to stand them in water just as they are, pot and all, for about ten minutes."Fred took the flowerpots down, one by one, and stood them in the water. After giving them a soaking in this way, he put them back in their places, and then it was time to go in to tea. Whentea was over, and they got out again, many of the plants were already holding up their heads, and the rest of them looked to be reviving rapidly.