
第220章 第三册(45)

"We had another lesson about birds to-day, Norah," said Fred, "and we are beginning to learn how to arrange all birds in classes. As in the case of other animals, the feet have as much to do with it as the head. We have been comparing the feet of birds today.

"Teacher commenced by showing us a picture of a large powerful leg and claw. The claw has three strongly-jointed toes in front and one behind, and each toe is armed with a long, sharp, hooked talon.

"He then showed us the picture of the heads of birds, and asked us which head would best suit such a claw as this.

"Of course we had no trouble in telling him. The claw belonged to one of the birds of prey. These are just the sort of feet we should have expected to find in a bird with such a cruel, fierce-looking head and beak.

"Birds of this class pounce down suddenly with great force upon their prey, burying the sharp, hooked talons deep in the flesh. They then raise themselves with their powerful wings and bear off their victim to their nest to devour it, tearing it to pieces with beak and talons.