
第233章 第三册(58)

"Teacher says that sometimes the whole cloud of vapor becomes suddenly cold, and the tiny particles of vapor are frozen. This frozen vapor is too heavy to float in the air. It falls to the earth as snow."SUMMARY

Ice is lighter than water. It ?oats on the top of the water. If it were not for this, ?shes and plants would all die. Hail consists of frozen rain-drops. Snow is frozen vapor.

Lesson 19

A Snake

"I wish Norah could have been in our class today, Will, don"t you?" said Fred. "I want to tell her all about our lesson, but I don"t think we could make her understand these animals without pictures of them. I wish we had some of the pictures that teacher showed us at school."Just then his father came in with something under his arm. "Look, children," said he, "what I have got for you. I have been very pleased to see you take so much interest in your lessons, and I have bought you this beautiful book of Natural History. It is full of pictures of animals, and I am sure it will be very useful to you."How they shouted, and clapped their hands, and kissed their good kind father! It was really a sight worth seeing.