"In fact, you may say that all plants bear net- veined leaves that come from seeds with double seed-leaves.""But what about the plants with parallel-veinedleaves-leaves whose veins run side by side?" asked Norah. "Haven"t these got double seed-leaves too, Fred?""No," said Fred, " they have only one seed-leaf. I can"t tell you anything about those now. Teacher has promised to give us a lesson on them tomorrow."SUMMARY
The bean seed has two seed-leaves. The plant which comes from it has net-veined leaves. All plants with net-veined leaves come from seeds which have double seed-leaves.
Lesson 56
The Single Seed-Leaf
"Fred, you promised to tell me about those plants whose seeds have a single seed-leaf," said Norah. "Did you get your lesson today?""Yes," said Fred, "we had our lesson, and I"ll try and tell you all I can about it, if you would like to hear it.