
第344章 第三册(169)

"Tough as these line fibers are, they would not be strong enough singly. Look at this piece of linen. I will pull one of the threads out. This thread, you see, consists of a number of fine threads twisted together. The fibers of the heckled line have first to be twisted into strong thread like this before they can be made into any fabric.

"The process of twisting the fibers into thread is called spinning; the spun thread is called flax yarn.

"The rest of the work is done by the weaver in a machine called a loom. In the loom a great manythreads are arranged closely, side by side, in front of the workman. These are called the warp. The alternate threads of the warp can be raised andlowered as the weaver pleases. A shuttle, which the man passes from hand to hand, through the warp, carries another thread, called the woof. The fabric is woven by passing the shuttle to and fro, and at the same time raising first one get of the warp threads and then another."SUMMARY

The manufacture begins by cutting the bundles of scutched fibers into three lengths, after which they are heckled, or combed. The heckling draws the fibers out, and straightens them. They are then called line. The line is spun into yarn, and the yarn is woven into fabrics in the loom.