
第35章 第一册(35)

"Now, Norah," he went on, "we have been molding and working up the putty, because it is soft and pliable. But try and work up this piece.""I cannot press it," said Norah. "It seems as hard as a stone.""Yes," said Fred, "and so will this piece be if we leave it for a few days. Now let us see why putty is so useful.""It is soft, pliable, and sticky when we use it; it soon becomes almost as hard as stone. It is water- proof, and will not let the rain come in."SUMMARY

Putty is a pliable substance. It is not porous. It is waterproof. New putty is soft, sticky, and pliable. When it dries it becomes almost as hard as stone. It holds the pane of glass firmly in the window. The rain cannot come in, because putty is waterproof.

Putty-What it is

"The other day," said Fred, "we had a chat about putty, and we found out why it is so useful.

"Teacher has been telling us today what putty is. Would you like to hear all about it, Norah?

"Oh yes, please." said Norah.

"Well then," said Fred, "think of the two plastic substances, clay and putty. Clay, you know, is dug out of the earth. It is a mineral. But we don"t dig putty out of the ground.

"It is made of two substances-whiting and linseed oil.