
第44章 第一册(44)

"There," cried both boys with a shout and a laugh, "that"s just what teacher did. We"ll soon get the salt back now.""Give me a bit of rag," added Fred, "so that I can lift the lid off the fire without burning my fingers. There, now we will let it get cold."As soon as it was cold enough to handle, Fred showed them that there was something left behind in the tin.

"See," said he, "I will scrape it up in a little heap. "Now dip your finger into it, Norah, and taste it."Norah did so, and found that it was real salt.

Fred had got the salt back by boiling the brine.


Brine is salt water. The salt is in the water, but we cannot see it. If we boil the brine, the water will ?y away in steam, and we can get the salt back.

The Pig

"Father," said Fred, "will you take us to see Mr. Brown"s pig? We had a lesson about the pig today, and I want to tell Norah all about it."They were out together for a walk, and Fred thought it would be a good chance to see the pigs.

"Here we are at last," said their father. "Now let us have a look at the pigs. How they are grunting and squeaking. The man has just fed them.""What hungr y, greedy things they are!" said Norah.