
第55章 第一册(55)

"Teacher says all plants which live only one season, have fibrous roots. The carrot, turnip, and the other plants with fleshy roots would not die in the winter. The thick fleshy root is only a store of food to keep the plant alive, while it can get none from the soil. In the spring such plants wake up from their winter sleep, and burst out into leaves and flowers during the next summer. They do not die till their seeds are ripe."SUMMARY

The root holds the plant in the ground, and feeds it. All roots are not alike. Some plants bear flowers and seeds the same year as they are sown. They live only that one year. These have stringy or fibrous roots. Some plants do not bloom at all the first year. Their ?owers and seeds come in the second season. They have thick, ?eshy roots, like the roots of the radish, carrot, turnip, and parsnip.

Lesson 28

Loaf Sugar

"Oh, do come and tell me how they make that coarse, brown, soft sugar into the hard, white loaf sugar." said Norah.

The children had just settled down for their evening chat, and our little girl had been thinking about that white sugar all teatime.

"Well," said Fred, "before I tell you that, I will explain something, that teacher showed us today.