
第75章 第一册(75)

"Well, it isn"t very light of course. But it isn"t so dark as you think, for each wagon has to carry a lamp. That shows a little light as they go along.""I shouldn"t like it," said Norah.

"Well," added Fred, "in another part of the picture we saw the men at work getting the coal. They were working hard, digging it out with pick- axe and shovel. Teacher says they are called hewers. They hew or dig out the coal.

"As they dig it out it is thrown into trucks, and the trucks are pushed along a little railway by boys. These boys are called putters. They put or push the trucks along.""Teacher says it is very very hot down in the mine," said Willie. "All the workers are nearly naked."SUMMARY

Men, boys, and horses, all have to work very hard in that dark underground town. The men hew or dig out the coal; the boys push it along on little trucks; the horse draw the loaded wagons to the bottom of the shaft.

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