
第30章 母亲教会了我Things My Mother Taught Me

[英]瓦蕾丽·斯马特/Valerie Smart











When I was a child,my mother taught me to smile and to be polite.She taught me not to talk too loud or laugh too hard,and to always have a breath mint in my pocket.She taught me to brush my hair before I went next door to play,to wear a pretty nightgown to the sleepover,and to wear a flowered dress to the science fair,because that’s what“others”thought was appropriate.She also taught me to listen more than I talk,which I have always had trouble doing.

From my mother I learned,as a child,to place matching hand towels in the bath room when company visits and to cash in a savings bond if that’s what it takes to feed your guests.I learned that to prevent family feuds,you walked on eggshells all day on Christmas and Thanksgiving,and had the in-laws over for breakfast,the other side of the family over for lunch,and all of your teenagers’friends over for dessert.

As I grew up,my mother grew wiser.By the time I was an adult,I’d learned that when I was a child,my mother hadn’t said no to other people as often as she should have.

While I’ll always be heartbroken that she became a widow at the young age of forty-six,I’ll always be grateful that I came to know my mother as an independent woman afterward.I watched her shed the stereotypes of a woman raised in the 1950s,and I now relish the fact that sometimes she,too,has ice cream for dinner.

From my mother I learned,as an adult,to give yourself what you want,because no one else may ever do it.I learned to laugh and laugh and laugh,because life is too difficult when you don’t.I learned that if you dislike your in179 laws or other family members or anyone else,you don’t have to fake it,because life is too short to put on appearances and to worry about what others might think.

I learned that it’s okay not to make the bed,not to iron your jeans,and to leave a pile of dishes in the sink,as long as you take time to sit on the kitchen floor and make Play-Doh snakes with your child.I learned that it’s perfectly acceptable to serve your guests a bag of chips and iced tea,if that’s all you have in the house.

My mother taught me,as an adult,that when a bill comes in the mail,to rip off the return stub,tuck it into the mailing envelope,and put a stamp on it right away.She taught me never to leave a load of wet laundry in the washing machine overnight in humid weather,because when you dry the clothes the next day,they’ll smell like a mildewed shower curtain.She taught me how to make potato salad,manicotti,and Rice Krispies treats.She taught me how to shop on sale,and that you don’t have to paint your face or dye your hair to be a beautiful woman at any age.

My mother taught me the Serenity Prayer.She taught me to listen to my inner voice.She taught me that,although she raised me in an organized religion,if I don’t want to raise my children the same way,that’s just fine.She taught me that when people disagree and argue,it doesn’t mean they don’t care about each other;it’s when you stop caring and talking,even if those emotions and words hurt,that you’re in trouble.My mother also taught me that people do to you only what you allow them to.

These are the lessons that have shaped my life.Although a few might seem passe or even silly with the passage of time,most are timeless and universal.I now realize that all of her lessons came from her heart and were meant to guide and protect me.

Today I see my mother not just as my parent,but also as a woman in her own right,with her own lessons to learn—and,fortunately,to share with me,her daughter.So,today,my bills are always paid on time.My family comes before housekeeping,and self-satisfaction before social status.I still spend a small fortune on greeting cards.And I’ve replaced the breath mints with tooth-whitening gum.But I don’t even own guest towels.