
第28章 Fish Are Socially Intelligent Out of Our Mind

Fish are socially intelligent creatures that do not deserve their reputation as the dim-wits① of the animal kingdom. Rather than simply being instinct-driven, the group says fish are cunning, manipulative② and even cultured. Fish were now seen as highly intelligent creatures.

Gone is the image of fish as drudging③ and dim-witted pea-brains, driven largely by ’instinct’, with what little behavioral④ flexibility⑤ they possess being severely hampered by an infamous’three-second memory’.

Now, fish are regarded as steeped⑥ in social intelligence, pursuing Machiavellian strategies of manipulation, punishment and reconciliation⑦, exhibiting stable cultural traditions, and co-operating to inspect predators and catch food.

Fish can recognize individual “shoal mates”, social prestige and even tracked relationships. They use tools, building complex nests and exhibiting long-term memories.

Fish were the most ancient of the major vertebrate⑧ groups, giving them “ample time” to evolve complex, adaptable and diverse behavior patterns that rivaled those of other vertebrates.

① dim-witn. 傻瓜;笨蛋

② manipulativeadj. 操作的;用手控制的

③ drudgev. 做苦工

④ behavioraladj. 行为的

⑤ flexibilityn. 易曲性;适应性,灵活性;弹性

⑥ steepedadj. 沉浸在……中的;充满……的

⑦ reconciliationn. 和解,和好

⑧ vertebrateadj. 有脊椎的;脊椎动物的


鱼是具有社会智商的动物,它们不应被称为动物王国中的笨蛋。 鱼类不是简单地凭本能行事,它们很机灵,有控制能力,甚至很有教养。 目前鱼被认为是非常聪明的动物。



鱼可以识别各自的鱼群伙伴,社会威望,甚至相关的人际关系。 它们会使用工具,修筑结构复杂的窝,还表现出长期的记忆力。
