
第11章 高二年级(4)

1)feel like going to a museum 2) have to pay to get in 3) a special exhibition at the Science Museum 4) make a final decisionLesson 54Step I Watch教师给学生播放本课的视频Step II Lead in教师给学生展示两张卫星图片,问如下问题:What can you see from the pictures? Do you know about the satellite?Step III Listening教师给学生播放听力声音,听完后教师可提如下问题:1.What is a satellite?

It is an object, either natural or man-made,which travels in an orbit round another object in space.

2.How does a satellite produce electricity?

It has equipment for making electricity from sunshine, using very broad sunpanels.

3.Can we use weather satellites?


Step IV Reading

教师给学生几分钟阅读时间,然后让学生做课文理解的练习题:Read the text on page 10, then chose True or false.

1.When we talk about the satellite, we always refer to the moon.

2.If a rocket does not reach a speed of 28 440 km/h, it will fall back to the earth.

3.A man-made satellite usually contains very expensive cameras as well as equipment for making electricity from sunshine.

4.Before the satellite goes into its orbit round the earth, the panels are unfolded in order to catch the sunshine.

5.Scientists can control the direction of the satellite by the rocket motoron the satellite.

6.The satellites for broadcasting connect broadcasting stations, which arealong distance from each other.

7.Most of the satellites for broadcasting remain above the same place on theearth and travel round the earth in a very high circle.

8. Weather satellites send not only information but also photos of weather conditions to weather stations on the earth.

Key: 1) False, 2) True, 3) True, 4) False, 5) True, 6) True, 7) True, 8) TrueStep V Language focus首先教师给学生重点生词的解释,然后做词汇练习。

1.Learn some new words.

as /so far as

I will help you as far as I can.

connect /connection

Where does the cooker connect with the gas pipe?

dozens of

They sold three dozen copies of the magazine.

carry out

They now decide to carry out their view views.

2.Fill in each blank with one of the words in the box.

broad, fold, signal, camera, circle1.A piece of equipment for taking photographs or making films is called a 。

2.Let’s sit in a round the table to have a round-table meeting.

3.Mr Brown was waiting in the studio. When he saw the, he began to speak.

4.The kitchen is very small. To save space, weup the table after each meal.

5.The word means “very wide”。

Key: camera, circle, signal, fold, broadStep VI Discussion教师给学生三个问题,分组进行讨论,教师可帮助学生提供相关资料和知识,扩展学生的课外知识,教师给学生10-15分钟,最后教师进行提问。

The T gives Ss a few topic to discuss, Discussion the following questions inpairs in a few minutes.

1.What did you know about satellites before reading Lesson 54? Do you thinkit is helpful for you to read this lesson?

2.What new information have you learned about satellites after reading the passage?

3.What else do you want to learn about satellites?

2.Prepairation the Lesson 55.

Lesson 55Step I Watch the video教师让学生看本课的视频Step II Listening and Reading教师在这里让学生听本课课文,然后让学生们做练习。

The Tasks Ss to listen again and then read loudly ,after that answer the following questions.

1)What was the name of the first satellite of the organization?

2)How many countries are there in this group today?

3)How can you telephone somebody on the other side of the world?

4)What was the use of special cameras?

5) What is the disadvantage of studying outer space at research stations onthe earth?

Key: 1) It was called Early Bird. 2) There are now over 100 countries in this group. 3) With the help of a satellite you can telephone somebody on the other side of the world. 4) Special cameras can produce pictures showing where differentmetals can be found. And they can also tell the difference between healthy plants and plants that are diseased. 5) The disadvantage of studying outer space at research stations on the earth is that there is a lot of dust in the earth’s air,and the dusty air makes it difficult to get a clear picture of space.Step III Practice教师让学生回答本文内容的答案,给学生5-10分钟的阅读时间,教师给予讲评。

The teacher ask the students to try to collect as much information on satellites and man-made satellites as they can from the reading comprehension:Information on satellites and man-made satellitesThe meaning of the word “satellite”

An object, either natural or man-made, which travels in an orbit round another object in space, is called a satellite.

Types of satellites

Natural satellites

Man–made satellites

Natural satellite of the earthThe moon.

It travels round the earth every 24 hours.

Something about the man-made satellitesHow are they carried up into space?

By rockets.

The speed of the rocket fast enough to escape the pull of the earth40 000 km/ h

More information about man–made satellitesOne of the most expensive pieces of scientific equipment.

The lighter, the better.

It contains very expensive cameras as well as equipment for making electricity from sunshine.

The function of satellitesSatellites for broadcasting are used send radio and TV programmes.

Weather satellites send information and photos of weather conditions.

Step IV Language focus教师让学生看本单元的重点词汇,教师可进行讲评The T gives the Ss some imports words to learn, for example:1) dozens of

They sold three dozen copies of the magazine.

2) carry out

They now decided to carry out their own views.

3) question v.

Stop questioning me about my personal business.

4) mention

He felt his duty to mention this to the headmaster.

5) attempt v.

He attempted the examination but failed.Step V Further practice教师让学生练习定语从句。

[1]A famous detective

A famous detective

