
第14章 高二年级(7)

A. he had a bad headache  B. he saw a brown snakeC. the snake was attacking himD. Holmes was beating him(3) If the young lady dies like that, will easily know the cause.

A. every policeman  B. everyoneC no doctor  D. no police officerDeal with any language problems.

VI. Work study

Get the students to complete this exercise individually. Encourage them to refer back to the next. Check the answers with the class at the end.

VII. Language study

1. Ask students to find out the sentences with the Past Participle as Attribute and Adverbial.

2. Read through the sentences and get the students to translate them into Chinese.

3. Let the students do the practices 4 and 5 P. 17. in pairs. Check the answers at the end of this activity.

4. Ask some students to say out function of Past Participle in practice 4 and 5.

VIII. Workbook

Do Ex. 1-3.

[1]The sea

The sea


Analysis of Unit 16 and suggested teaching methods for Unit 16:I.In this unit students are supposed to learn everyday English about expressing wishes, learn the grammar–Ellipsis and learn the texts about the sea, including the general introduction, the Mediterranean and the coral, and the livingthings in the sea, especially the whale, so as to improve students’ listening,speaking, reading and writing abilities. Meanwhile through learning this unit students should be aware of the importance of protecting the environment and knowthat they ought to do something for the future of the earth with effort.

As for the Everyday English the teacher had better let students learn it bylistening and speaking. To learn grammar – Ellipsis, the teacher can lay emphasis on the use of it and students’ understanding of it when it is used, so the teacher can ask the students to pick out the Elliptical sentences after reading the dialogue. Then let Students make up sentences or dialogues or passages usingthe key word in this dialogue “wish” in order to master the use of it.

When students come to learn the texts, first, the teacher should try to arouse their interest in or attention to the subject by showing students pictures orhaving a video show of the sea or living thing in the sea or the polluted situation of certain sea. Second, encourage them to find more information about themand find out ways to solve the exiting problems to help students to have the responsibility for protecting the nature.

II. Suggested leading-in methods:Leading-in plays a very important part in the class teaching. An active andinstructive way can attack students’ attention and interest in the coming things to learn. The following are some ways of leading-in.

Method 1 for the dialogueThe teacher shows the students some pictures taken on the sea side during some holiday and talk about that experience and ask them if they “wish” to go there. And then write down “wish” on the blackboard and its patterns and ask students to make sentences with them. Finally write down the pre-listening questionon the blackboard, that is what does Bruce wish to do today?

Method 2 for the dialogueAsk the students to talk about the picture on the top of the nineteenth pagein pairs or say something about it or ask the some questions such as “what canyou sea in the picture?” “What exactly are they doing?”。 The teacher can teach some new words at the same time like “seaside, beach, dive, bathe, time”。

Method 1 for the textBring a globe or a map of the world to the class and ask the students to name the seven continents and oceans. The teacher can also write these names on theblackboard. And then ask them to work in groups to think of as much as they canabout the sea as a contest. Later they report their work. The teacher can writesome useful information on the Bb. Finally begin the text with the pre-readingquestion by saying, “Here is a text about the sea and I am sure you will learnsomething from it, but first read quickly and find the answers to the followingquestions.” Or begin the text by haveing the video show of the text after giving students some questionsMethod 2 for the text.

Let the students watch certain video show of the calm blue sea and the colorful coral or fishes in the sea and get them to talk about it, trying to add morethings and then begin the text to see what the text is about.

Method 3 for the textLet the students watch video show of some polluted sea or water or look at some pictures of them and ask them to talk about their feelings and their ways ofsolving the problem after their discussion. Then begin the text by encourage them to find out and solve the problem mentioned in the text.

Method 4 for the textShow the students a picture of the earth taken from space and ask them why the earth looks blue and then get them to talk about the sea.

III. Suggested students’activities in classActivity 1 for the dialogueAsk the students to talk about their wishes in pairs for the summer holidaysor their wishes in ten years using “wish” and functional sentences learned inthe dialogue.

Activity 2 for the dialogueAsk the students to make a passage trying to use as many “wish” as possible. It can be today’s wish or a future wish; a wish for life or a wish for career.

Activity 3 for the dialogueSs are given certain situations to make up a dialogue with the functional sentences. For example, Situation A: Your favorite singer is going to give a concert this week and you want very much to hear him. But the problem is that you don’t have enough money for the ticket. You are talking with your friend and expressing the strong wish to go to the concert. Situation B: your grandparentsare living abroad. You lived with them when you are young. However, you haven’t seen them for quite a few years, so you miss them very much .Now you are taking with you parents, saying that you miss him very much and want to go and see them. But they are very busy and they can’t take you there. Besides, you have tostudy and you are afraid to fall behind your classmates if you miss your lessons。 Make a dialogue.