
第18章 Hardtack and Soldiers

Hardtack①, hardtack, come again no more!Union soldiers sang this song during the Civil War, and they had reason to complain. Hardtack was a plain flour-and-water biscuit. These biscuits were hard—it sometimes took a strong blow of the fist to break them. Soaking only made them rubbery②.

Many times the hardtack was not fit to eat. It often became wet or moldy③ when it was stored. Sometimes it was full of maggots④ and weevils⑤. When a soldier got a moldy biscuit, he could ask for another. But if he got a wormy⑥ one, he had to eat it or go without.

There were a few good things about hardtack. When it was eaten in the dark, no one knew whether it had bugs in it or not. And there was always more for any soldier who was really hungry!

① hardtackn. (仅用面粉和水做成,未加盐的)硬饼干,硬面包

② rubberyadj. 橡胶似的;有弹性的

③ moldyadj. 发霉的;陈腐的;乏味的

④ maggotn. 蛆

⑤ weeviln. [动]象鼻虫

⑥ wormyadj. 有虫的;虫多的;虫蛀的



