
第27章 If You Sneeze Three Times

It was once believed that a person was in great danger when he sneezed①—people imagined that the soul could escape from the body at the moment of sneezing.“God bless you” was a prayer② for assistance in keeping the soul where it belonged.

The German word Gesundheit(good health) is a variation of this prayer;the Irish deiseal③ and the Italian felicita④ are similar prayers. The Hindus say a word that means “live”, and when a Mohammedan sneezes, he praises God.

The Zulus of South Africa, far from being afraid of sneezes, believe that a sneeze signifies a friendly spirit’s blessing. Whenever a child sneezes, they shout “Grow!” hoping the friendly spirit that stimulated⑤ the sneeze will help the child grow tall and strong. The ancient Hebrews also believed that a sneeze was good—a sneeze indicates life;the dead never sneeze.

The Japanese say that if you sneeze once, someone is saying good things about you;if you sneeze twice. bad things are being said about you;if you sneeze three times, you have caught a cold.

① sneezev. 打喷嚏

② prayern. 祈祷,祷告[C][U]

③ deisealn.爱尔兰语,prayer的变体

④ felicitan.意大利语,prayer的变体

⑤ stimulatev. 刺激;激励;使兴奋;促使[(+to/into)]




