
第33章 From Land Animal to King of the Sea

Whales—or their ancestors—were once land animals. Scientists believe that they roamed① the earth about 150million years ago.

The land welling ancestors of this modern king of the sea were hunters② with legs and the jaws③ and teeth. Their favorite hunting grounds were probably shallow④ waters near the mouths of rivers or off a level stretch of coast, for both finny⑤ fish and shell were then more plentiful and easier to catch than animals. Because of this, these land mammals came to spend more and more time in the water.

With ages passing, and these creatures swam more easily than they walked;millions of years later they were able to do without legs altogether. They were now recognizable as whales. Their forelegs had turned into the flippers⑥ that today’s whales use for steering;their hind⑦ legs had shrunk⑧ so that mere traces of them can be found under the skin when a whale is dissected⑨.

① roamv.漫步,漫游,流浪

② huntern.猎人,猎手

③ jawn.颌,颚[C]

④ shallowadj.浅的

⑤ finnyadj.有鳍的,鳍状的

⑥ flippern.鳍状肢

⑦ hindadj.后面的,后部的,在后的

⑧ shrunkv.(shrink的过去式和过去分词)收缩,缩短

⑨ dissectv.解剖,切开



