
第44章 The Very Last Birthday

When I was approaching 50, I announced to my three grown children that I no longer wanted to celebrate my birthday, and that they could phone me instead of sending a gift. At first they protested①, but finally they agreed to go along with my wish. So when the doorbell rang on the morning of my birthday, I was surprised to see the florist②delivering a huge, beautiful plant. Suddenly, without a word, she rushed back to the truck and with a sad look, turned once to glance at③me. Puzzled, I read the card attached④to the plant:“To Mom—with lots of love—on your very last birthday.”

① protestv. 反对

② floristn. 花商,经营花卉业者

③ glance at瞥视,匆匆一看

④ attachv. 附上,系上

