
第1章 Mystery of Bodies Making Blood

Every second of every day, you manufacture 10 million new red blood cells. Add to this stream a large dose of white blood cells, millions of platelets and an assortment of nutrients. How does the body coordinate these components into the finely blended mixture we call blood?

Close to half your blood is made up of red cells, white cells and platelets, all of which incubate① in the bones. Each of these life-sustaining agents② begins as a stem cell, a sort of hematological embryo③ that idles in the marrow until ordered to develop into one of the three discrete blood cell types.

Red cells ferry oxygen through out the body. Alerted by a chemical alarm from the kidneys, which continuously monitor the blood for dropping oxygen levels, a hormone called erythropoietin④ directs the marrow to build a fresh supply of red cells.

White blood cells protect the body from disease and infection by ingesting or ousting microscopic intruders. They are found in a number of forms and produced in number of ways. For example, a hormone⑤ called granulopoietin signals the marrow to produce white cells of the disease-fighting variety; foreign substances called antigens trigger the manufacture of others that specialize in battling infection. As a precaution, the marrow houses a stand by force of fully developed white cells. So vigilant is this reserve platoon that it may interpret even routine exercise as a sign of potential bodily injury and flood the system to tend to illusory wounds.

For legitimate emergencies, the body also keeps on hand a supply of platelets, disk-shaped bodies whose job is to facilitate clotting. Platelets mature from stem cells when ever the body nourishes them with the hormone thrombopoietin⑥. Only a bit of the hormone is manufactured at a time, which prevents platelet production from running muck. When the thrombopoietin is totally consumed, the platelet population stops growing.

Red cells, white cells and platelets are transported in the body by plasma, a thin liquid that makes up the other half of the blood. Though complex, plasma is only 10 percent organic substances. The remainder is water, a component that must always be present in precise concentrations. Should the blood become either too diluted or too viscous, the kidneys retain or excrete surplus water until the proper balance is reached.

A single blood cell will travel through its plasma medium for as much as 120 days until it is ultimately washed ashore in the spleen⑦, the junkyard of the circulatory system. Although trillions of cells meet this fate daily, all are replaced as effortlessly as they are discarded. In fact, the cellular contents of the blood are entirely destroyed and renewed 300 times over the course of an 80-year life span. But despite such upheaval, the river of life still flows on.

① incubatevt. 酝酿;逐渐发展;孵卵,孵化;温育;培养

② agentn. 【化】剂;中介,媒介;代理人;代理商;中介人

③ embryon. 胚芽;胚胎;初期 adj. 胚芽的;胎儿的

④ erythropoietinn. 促红细胞生成素

⑤ hormonen. 【生】荷尔蒙

⑥ thrombopoietinn. 血小板生成素

⑦ spleenn. 【解】脾脏;坏脾气;怒气;恶意








