
第25章 Undernutrition

Undernutrition① is a condition in which there is not enough food energy as measured in calories or kilo joules②. Undernutrition usually means that not enough total food is consumed. The main characteristics are loss of body weight and wasting of body fat and later muscle. Undernutrition may due to a failure of the food supply or to deliberate③ fasting, or it may be secondary to prolonged disease.

Malnutrition covers at least 25 different deficiency④ diseases resulting from lack of one of the essential nutrients: protein, vitamins, essential fats, or nutrient elements. Rickets and iron-deficiency anemia⑤ are examples of the result of malnutrition. Multiple deficiencies are more likely than single, though one type often predominates. The deficiency disorder may be subclinical⑥ and not show characteristic features.

The most common severe form of protein energy malnutrition, nutritional marasmus⑦ usually occurs in the first year of life. The affected child is extremely underweight and has lost all subcutaneous fat. The body is wizened, the face gaunt, and the limbs like matchsticks. The cause is a diet very low in calories from all sources (including protein), often from early weaning to bottled formula diluted because of poverty.

① undernutritionn. 营养不足

② joulesn. 焦耳

③ deliberateadj. 深思熟虑的,慎重的,谨慎的; 故意的;不慌不忙的

④ deficiencyn. 不足,缺乏;缺陷,缺点

⑤ anemian. 【医】贫血(症)

⑥ subclinicaladj. 轻度不正常的;无临床症状的

⑦ marasmusn. 消瘦;消瘦症



