
第5章 Nutrition—A Lifelong Concern

The basic guidelines① for a nutritious diet are the same for most healthy adults. Older people, however, need to pay special attention to the quality of the foods they eat.

Most people gain weight more easily as they age. Because of changes in the body and decreasing physical activity, older people usually need fewer calories. The requirement for nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, however, is not very different from that of younger adults.

A nutritious (well-balanced) diet provides us with vitamins, minerals, and calories. Such a diet must include a variety of foods from each of the major food groups: fruits and vegetables; enriched breads, cereals, and grain products; meats, eggs, and dry peas and beans; and milk, cheese, and other dairy products.

Such foods as sweets, fatty foods, salty snack foods, high-calorie drinks, and alcohol, contain many colories but few nutrients. Eating them in place of② more nutritious foods can lead to weight gain without adequate nourishment.

An excess of weight is a factor in some disorders③ that occur in older people, such as diabetes, heart disease, and high bood pressure. Limiting fat in the diet may also help protect against cancer of the breast and colon. Decreasing excessive salt intake is another good health measure. Older people should pay particular attention to their need for calcium. The foods that are high in calcium in the daily diet is one way to help protect against osteoporosis.

The keys to a good diet are variety and moderation. The greater the variety, the less likely you are to develop either a deficiency or an excess of any single nutrient and the more likely you are to stay healthy or even improve your health.

① guidelinen. (常用复)指导方针

② in place of代替

③ disordern. 紊乱,失调;不适,小病;混乱,无秩序






