
第13章 The Sun

All life on our earth depends on① the sun in one way or another. Without its light and warmth, there would be no life. The sun gives us our food and our clothing material. It even gives us our coal, too.

The sun also makes day and night. Light which comes from the sun 95,000 miles away travels in straight lines.

The sun lights half the earth at a time. It is day on the lighted side. It is night on the dark side of the earth. Every part of the earth turns from day to night during every 24 hours.

A sunny day in winter is colder than a sunny day in summer. Because the summer day is longer, so it takes a longer time for everything to warm up and the sun shines more directly on the earth. Oppositely, the day is shorter in winter, there is less time for everything to get warm and the sun does not shine more directly on the earth.

Land, just like the sand, warms up and loses heat more quickly than water. So on a hot sunny summer day on the beach②, you can feel how hot the sand gets. And when you go for a paddle③, you can feel how cool the water is to the feet.

The sun makes our earth beautiful. It gives us light and keeps us warm. It makes things grow. In a word, we can not live without the sun.

① depend on依靠,依赖

② beachn. 海滩,江滨

③ paddlen. (短而阔的)桨






