
第15章 Light Pollution

Under the beautiful night landscape, light pollution has always been overlooked①.

Light pollution has become another environmental killer having direct impact on human health in the 21st century. Night light makes city more beautiful, but it also brings about some negative effects. For example, people will be affected on psychology and emotion more or less if they stay long in the environment of colorful lights. Mounted light makes people be under great press; man-made daytime makes it difficult to sleep, disrupting normal biological clock②. Eyes that contact with light source directly should be the first victim③ in light pollution that leads to visual decrease and visual fatigue④. Inappropriate lights installation is more dangerous to traffic, with which traffic rates will increase. Man-made daytime also harm birds and insects. Mounted light may damage the normal reproductive process at night. Many plants that pollinate⑤ relying on insects will be affected in varying degrees too.

Nightscape itself owns pros and cons; but we can minimum the drawbacks⑥ to the least degree. For instance, urban planning should be based on the harmonization of ecological environment by controlling and managing the billboards and neon signs scientifically; plant more trees and grass and grow more flowers and increase water areas around buildings and places of entertainment to improve the light environment; pay attention to reducing the power-source and so on. In short, we should try to make urban style harmoniously⑦ and naturally, so that people can live in a beautiful environment which is quiet, comfortable, safe, and non-polluting and non-pollution.

① overlookv. 看漏,忽略[+v-ing]

② biological clock生物钟

③ victimn. 受害者,受骗者,受灾者[(+of)]

④ fatiguen. 疲劳,劳累[U]

⑤ pollinatev. [植]给……授花粉

⑥ drawbackn. 缺点,短处,不利条件

⑦ harmoniouslyadv. 和谐地,调和地



