
第20章 Air cushioned VehicleClear out of Sea and Land

The air-cushioned① vehicle does not have wings, so it is not an airplane. It is neither a ship nor an automobile, since it travels clear of sea and land. It has a conventional gasoline② engine, but no wheels. How does it travel?What keeps it in the air?

Under the air-cushioned car is an air chamber, in which there is a large propeller③ parallel to the ground. The propeller whirl through the power supplied with gasoline engine, so that the chamber is filled with air. Some of the air is forced toward the ground through tiny holes around the edges of the air car.

These air jets create a wall which keeps the air from escaping from the chamber. As more and more air crowds into the chamber, the molecules of air become compressed④. As a result, their pressure becomes so strong that it lifts the car off the ground.

Once the car is floating, the driver releases some of the compressed air, which makes the car speed forward.

① cushionv. 给……安上垫子,缓和……的冲击

② gasolinen. 汽油[U]

③ propellern. 螺旋桨,推进器[C]

④ compressedadj. 压缩的




