
第10章 New Web Tool to Improve Multimedia Surfing

A new web tool makes online video and audio as interactive as text, say its creators. The software could enhance surfing, and help individuals and organizations manage large quantities of footage①.

Within five years it’ll be on everybody’s desktop, predicts② Silvia Pfeiffer of CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences in Sydney, Australia. Her team is releasing the code as open source for others to use and modify.

The new software, called Annodex, allows any section within a file to be given a descriptive tag—“love scene”, “fight” or “interview”, for example. Tags form a stream of information that runs alongside the file, changing to keep track of it.

These descriptions could enable search engines to find audio or video directly; at the moment they can detect③ only web pages that carry such files. The tags also allow suffers to move around within packages of sound and images while playing them,in the same way that we can go to a different part of the same web page via inks.

Surfers can hop either by naming a section, or a time. They can also follow links into or out of the file, which change to reflect what’s playing at that moment. For example, during an animated flight through a galaxy, links to external pages on black holes can become active during the journey past the hole at the galactic④ centre.

“It’s a huge step, ”comments Phillip Jenkins of PIVoD,a digital media company based in Perth, Australia, that has begun using the software.“It’ll enhance the use of video and audio phenomenally.”

Annodex allows users to divide files into chunks-scenes of a film, for example-label them,and add links to each chunk. Sections, labels and links must currently be made by hand. The CSIRO team is working on ways to automate the process, such as with speech-recognition software.

Pfeiffer’s team aims to release a Web browser program to run Annodex for the Macintosh within a few weeks. They hope to have a version for Linux and Windows by the end of the year. Similar tools are becoming available for online animations⑤ and diagrams.

The browser displays the sub-sections’ titles, and has a button that becomes active when a section is linked. It works with all file formats.

“There’ll be massive applications in media and government,” says Jenkins. He envisages TV companies and parliaments using Annodex to organize their archives⑥.

Pfeiffer also sees domestic applications. “I’ve got a huge collection of home videos, that I can’t do much with, ” she says. “With this I could put all the data on a web server, annotate⑦ it,and send a link to my mother in Germany.”

① footagen. (以尺表示的)英尺长度

② predictv. 预言;预料;预报[+that][+wh-]

③ detectv. 发现,察觉;查出,看穿

④ galacticadj. 银河的

⑤ animationn. 动画片;动画片绘制[C][U]

⑥ archiven. 档案;文件;记录

⑦ annotatev. 注解,给……作注解


浏览器使得我们可以更好地去寻找和连接网络音频和视频。 一种新的网络浏览器的发明者说它能使网络音频和视频像文本一样交互作用,这种软件可以增强上网冲浪的能力,并可以帮助个人和组织处理更多的数据。


这种被称作Annodex的新软件,可以在一个文件内允许任何部分有一个叙述性的链接,如“爱情故事”、 “战斗片”或者“一次会见”等。这种链接会形成一种围绕文件中心运行的信息流,为了追踪信息它随时都在变化着。



澳大利亚佩思市的一家数字化媒体公司——培伍德公司的菲利普·金肯斯解释说,“这是一次非常巨大的飞跃。”这家公司现在已经开始使用这种软件。 ——“这将明显加强视频和音频的使用效果。”





