
第14章 Cyber War

Computer hackers will open a new front?in the multi-billion pound “cyber war” targeting mobile phones, instant messaging and community Web sites such as My Space.

As people grow wise to e-mail scams, criminal gangs will find new ways to commit① online fraud, sell fake goods or steal corporate secrets.

The attacks are becoming more sophisticated②. It’s all about making money. And they’re making a lot of it.

Hackers will be scouring③ social networking sites such as My Space to gather information for more focused attacks on people’s computers. It is definitely an area that is ripe for more exploitation④ by malware (malicious software).

People could find their computers infected with viruses that secretly record all their keystrokes⑤ or send out millions of spam e-mail messages.

Identity theft fraudsters will trawl through sites which allow people to leave their pictures and personal details, finding targets for “phishing” attacks-fraudulent⑥ e-mails aimed at tricking people into revealing credit card numbers.

Hackers will also target people using instant messaging services or making telephone calls over the Internet.

Powerful new mobile phones and portable⑦ computers will also be targets as thieves try to bypass tight security to steal e-mails, documents or contacts. Modern mobile phones are in essence miniature portable computers. Mobile devices present a serious challenge.

Spying on businesses will become more sophisticated. Criminals are hiring students to plant as sleepers in companies and huge amounts of data can be removed on small, portable memory sticks.

Corporate espionage is big business.Data is often priceless property. Stealing trade secrets, information or contacts is a lucrative money-spinner⑧ for cyber criminals. Internet crime can be hard to combat because it embraces different continents and time zones.

① commitv. 犯(罪),做(错事等)

② sophisticatedadj. 富有经验的;精通的

③ scourv. 擦净;擦亮;洗涤

④ exploitationn. 开发;开采

⑤ keystroken. 键之敲击

⑥ fraudulentadj. 欺诈的,欺骗的

⑦ portableadj. 便于携带的,手提式的;轻便的

⑧ spinnern. (故事的)编造者


电脑黑客们将在火热的 “网络战争”上开拓一片新战场,袭击目标为手机、即时消息和社区网络,例如共享空间。





身份盗窃黑客将从允许人们上传照片和个人资料的网站上搜索个人信息,确定实施 “网络钓鱼”的目标。 “网络钓鱼”通过欺诈性电子邮件骗取人们透露信用卡号码。



