
第21章 Who Governs the Internet

Aficionados① and promoters of the Internet often claim that the Internet is governed by no one, and indeed cannot be governed, and that it is inherently② above and beyond the law. In fact, the Internet is tied into a complex web of governing bodies, national legislatures, and international professional societies. There is no one governing body that controls activity on the Internet. Instead, there are several organizations that influence the system and monitor its operations. Among the governing bodies of the Internet are:

The Internet Architecture Board (IAB), which helps define the overall structure of the Internet.

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which assigns IP addresses, and the Internet Network Information Center (InterNIC), which assigns domain names.The Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG), which oversees standard setting with respect to the Internet.

The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), which forecasts the next step in the growth of the Internet, keeping watch over its evolution③ and operation.

The Internet Society (ISOC), which is a consortium④ of corporations, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations that monitors Internet policies and practices.

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which sets HTML and other programming standards for the Web.

While none of these organizations has actual control over the Internet and how it functions, they can and do influence government agencies, major network owners, ISPs, corporations, and software developers with the goal of keeping the Internet operating asefficiently as possible.

In addition to these professional bodies, the Internet must also conform to the laws of the sovereign nation-states in which it operates, as well as the technical infrastructures⑤ that exist within the nation-state. Although in the early years of the Internet and the Web there was very little legislative or executive interference, this situation will change in the near future as the Internet plays a growing role in the distribution of information and knowledge, including content that some find objectionable.

① aficionadon.[西]……狂,……迷

② inherentlyadv. 天性地,固有地

③ evolution n. 发展,进展[U]

④ consortium n. 合伙,联合

⑤ infrastructure n. 公共建设(如铁路、公路、下水道等);基础建设









