
第5章 E-Bay Continues Expanding

E Bay is poised① to take full control of Internet Auction, its South Korean affiliate②, for an estimated 530million in cash.

It would mark the latest in a string of acquisitions③ in Asia by the world’s biggest online auctioneer. The proposed move for Internet Auction would accelerate the US-based company’s rapid expansion in overseas markets, which accounted for 42 percent of its total sales in the second quarter.

After expanding aggressively in Europe, e-Bay has more recently turned its focus to Asia, where there are numerous young internet companies. E-Bay agreed to buy Baazee.com, India’s largest online marketplace④, for 50 million dollars, and bought Eachnet, China’s leading e-commerce company, for 180 million dollars.

Other US internet companies, such as Yahoo, Amazon and Google, have also invested heavily in Asia, where internet usage is growing quickly among the region’s 3.75 billion population.

E-Bay’s offer for Internet Auction is bigger than its acquisitions in India and China, reflecting South Korea’s status as the region’s most developed e-ommerce market.

① poised adj. 泰然自若的,平衡的

② affiliate v. 使加入,接收为会员

③ acquisition n. 获得,获得物

④ marketplace n. 集会场所,市场,商场


总部位于美国的e-Bay出资约5.3亿美元,以现金方式全资收购它在韩国的子公司Internet Auction。




e-Bay收购Internet Auction的报价要高于它在印度和中国的收购出价,这反映了在亚洲地区,韩国的电子商务市场最为发达。