
第17章 Hypnosis

Hypnosis① refers to a complex phenomenon that cannot even be described in a few words and that is still harder to define. Hypnosis is used by medical men to study their patients’ problems and to relieve② symptoms such as pain.

Most workers in the field believe that one of every three or four persons can, under appropriate conditions, manifest hypnotic③ phenomenon. Hypnotizability doesn’t depend on sex, age, intelligence, personality type, emotional disease, or anything else so far investigated.

All classical induction techniques utilize④ eyelid closure. The subject (or patient) is instructed to gaze at the hypnotist’s eye, his finger, a spot on the wall or ceiling, or a shiny or whirling object, while being told over and over again in a monotonous⑤ tone, preferably in accordance with the patient’s respiratory rhythm: Breathe deeply but comfortably, deeply and comfortably, as your eyes grow heavier and heavier, and you grow sleepier, sleepier, sleepier still. Your eyes are so heavy, they feel they must close.

The hypnotist may add, “You can close them now”, or he may say “They are closing, closing”. If induction is successful and the subject is challenged and tries to open his eyes, he cannot. He moves the wrong muscles. He has, it should be noted, been instructed to grow relaxed or to sleep. With eyes closed, he seems asleep.

The stage magician and the medical hypnotist⑥ alike use this technique or some variation of it.

① hypnosisn. 催眠状态

② relievevt. 缓和,减轻;解除;使宽慰,使放心

③ hypnoticadj. 催眠的 n. 安眠药

④ utilizevt. 【书】利用

⑤ monotonousadj. (声音)单调的,无抑扬顿挫的;无变化的;无聊的

⑥ hypnotistn. 施催眠术的人





