
第25章 Children’s Self-esteem(2)

The infant’s self-esteem is totally dependent on family members, and it is not until about the time the child enters school that outside forces contribute to feelings about the self. A child must also learn that a major resource for a healthy self-esteem comes for within. Some parents raise their children to depend on external rather than internal reinforcement through practices such as paying for good grades on report cards or exchanging special privileges⑤ for good behavior. The child learns to rely on others to maintain a high self-esteem and is not prepared to live in a world in which desirable behavior does not automatically produce a tangible⑥ reward such as a smile, money, or special privileges.

Maintaining a healthy self-esteem is challenge that continues throughout life. One family found that they could help each other identify positive attitudes. One evening during an electric storm the family gathered around the kitchen table, and each person wrote down two things that they liked about each family member. These pieces of paper were folded and given to the appropriate person, who one by one opened their special messages. The father later commented, “It was quite an experience, opening each little piece of paper and reading the message. I still have those gifts, and when I’ve had a really bad day, I read through them and I always come away feeling better.”

The foundation of a healthy family depends on the ability of the parents to communicate messages of love, trust, and self-worth to each child. This is the basis on which self-esteem is built, and as the child grows, self-esteem changes from a collection of other’s feelings to become personal feelings about the self. Ultimately a person’s self-esteem is reflected in the way he or she interacts with others.

① copevi. 竞争;对付,妥善处理

② interactvi. 互相作用;互相影响;互动

③ isolatedadj. (被)孤立的,(被)分离的,(被)隔离的

④ inconsiderateadj. 不顾别人的;未慎重考虑的

⑤ privilegen. 特权;优特;(个人的)恩典,殊荣

⑥ tangibleadj. 可触知的;有形的;有实体的;实际的





自尊心是一种能量。自尊心强时,人们感觉好像能够处理任何事情。这就是当特殊事情发生或一切进行得很顺利时一个人的感觉。一句赞扬的话、一个微笑、成绩报告卡上的一个好分数, 或者做一些令自己自豪的事情都能产生这种能量。当自我感觉受到威胁,自尊心不足时,任何事在更大程度上都变成了一种需要费力去做的负担。很难听清楚、看清楚、想清楚,其他人都似乎没有礼貌、不体谅人、粗暴。问题并不在别人,是在自己。但常常直到恢复到正常的精神状态,人们才认识到真正的问题所在。



