
第12章 Ted Turner

There are lining with Oscar statuettes on the walls of Ted Turner’s international headquarters, 14th floors above downtown Atlanta. If somebody tries to pick one up, such as the actual best-production award for Casablanca,he will discover that they are all firmly bolted to their glass display shelves, and Turner’s aides will break their frowns to laugh at him.

As a 63-year-old multibillionaire founder of CNN, former champion sailor, Turner looks alike Rhett Butler in the Goes With The Wind and is also a record-breaking philanthropist①.

In spring 2000, Turner was suddenly sidelined from the broadcasting company he had built from scratch. Then his wife, who has been eight years living with him, the actress Jane Fonda, came home one night and informed him that she was now a born-again Christian, so they finally divorced. Even unluckily, two of his grandchildren developed a rare genetic disorder, and one died. Turner’s friends said he was inconsolable at that time.Then, just when he and others felt it could get no worse, he made a speech in Rhode Island saying that the September 11 hijackers had been brave through which he brought the wrath② of America upon himself.

Then after this he threw himself into charity work in the world.Turner’s biggest of his three charities UN Foundation, spent lots of money in one month combating intestinal parasites in Vietnamese children, reducing China’s greenhouse-gas emissions and helping women from Burkina Faso start businesses selling nut butter.

Turner who is notorious for doing as he pleases, such as early in his career, he made a pitch wearing no clothes to advertising executives and later, he ever went to Cuba to get Fidel Castro to tape a promotional slot for CNN, contributes a lot in saving projects. From preventing the extinction of the Chiricahua leopard frog in the wilds of New Mexico to founding an influential nuclear non-proliferation③ institute, he really likes to see himself as locked in a personal battle against apocalypse④.He doesn’t just give money; his staff are sometimes taken aback to see him skulking in the streets nearby,picking up litter.

It is easy to see behind the frenzied⑤activity marking him implies a sense of permanent crisis,and desperate insecurity. He inherited an advertising business turned into CNN latterly from his father, who was prone to fits of rage, and beat him with a coat hanger; then when Turner was 24 he committed suicide. Even before that,his younger sister had died from an immune disease when she was 12, and Ted was sent to a boarding school he hated. His father, he has said, not without admiration, believed that instilling insecurity in his son would help him to achieve.

All in all, Turner seems to have been a well-qualified candidate for total psychic collapse, as he says today “But when everything goes wrong, you can either give up or you can try to fight. I tried to fight.”

① philanthropistn. 慈善家

② wrathn. 愤怒,狂怒

③ non-proliferationn. 防止核武器扩散

④ apocalypsen. 启示

⑤ frenziedadj. 狂乱的,疯狂似的



作为一位拥有数十亿家财的富翁、美国有线新闻电视公司 CNN 的创始人、从前的出色水手,特纳的面容酷似《飘》中的男主人公白瑞德,而且他还是一个打破捐资记录的慈善家。




