
第19章 Charlie Bell

Charlie Bell, who is an Australian, has gone from flipping burgers and cleaning toilets in a suburban① restaurant to running the worldwide McDonald’s fast food empire. Charlie Bell who started at the Kingsgrove McDonald’s store in Sydney at 15 becomes the first non-American to head the company. He was appointed chief executive of McDonald’s International hours after the sudden death of his friend and mentor Jim Cantalupo. Mr Cantalupo died from a heart attack while attending a franchisee② conference in Florida.

Mr Bell progressed quickly, becoming Australia’s youngest store manager at 19. In 1993 he was appointed managing director of McDonald’s Australia and began heading up the firm’s Asia wide operations in 1999. Mr Bell was widely accepted as the heir apparent when he was promoted in December 2002 from head of European operations to McDonald’s global headquarters in Chicago. At the McDonald’s board meeting on April 19 he was appointed to lead the company that operates 30,000 restaurants in 118 countries with 400,000 staff worldwide. “Charlie Bell has worked side by side with Jim during these past 16 months to revitalize③ McDonald’s all over the world” read a board statement released after the succession vote. “He is ideally suited and prepared to continue Jim’s remarkable focus and discipline on our business.”

A funny thing happened to Charlie Bell on the way from Kingsford near Sydney to Chicago in the US. Everyone is talking about Charlie’s story—how a 15-year-old Sydney school kid was a part timer at McDonald’s just like a million other Aussie school kids. But this one became the youngest store manager at 19. A former schoolmate, Peter Byrnes, says “He was always single-minded④ about the whole McDonald’s thing never frightened to do things his way or to back his own feelings. He was always his own person and you couldn’t help but admire that about Charlie.”

Australia’s Consul General in New York, Ken Allen, noted the close working relationship and friendship Mr.Bell and Mr.Cantalupo enjoyed. Mr.Cantalupo translated Mr.Bell’s favorite Australian slang. Mr.Allen said there was no better man than Charlie Bell to carry on the great legacy⑤ left by Jim Cantalupo. “He’ll continue to make McDonald’s one of the most successful companies in the world,”he said.

Independent consultant Dick Adams, a former McDonald’s franchising executive, said “There’s a general sense that Mr. Bell will go along with Cantalupo’s agenda and plan because he’s one of the adopters of that plan.” Mr. Bell had been the heir apparent⑥since the company promoted him from head of European operations to president and chief operating officer in December 2002.

① suburbanadj. 郊区的,近郊的

② franchiseen. 特许经营人

③ revitalizev. 使恢复生气,使复活,使复兴

④ single-mindedadj. 一心一意的,专心的

⑤ legacyn. 遗产,遗赠

⑥ apparentadj. 显然的,明显的





