
第21章 Jack London

In 1876, Jack London was born in San Francisco. Because his mother was ill, Jack was raised through infancy① by Virginia, who would remain a major maternal figure while the boy grew up.

Late in 1876, his mother married John London. Then the family moved around the Bay area before settling in Oakland, where Jack completed grade school.

He worked at various hard labor jobs, pirated② for oysters on San Francisco Bay, served on a fish patrol to capture poachers③, sailed the Pacific on a sealing ship, joined Kelly’s Army of unemployed working men. He had hoboes around the country, and returned to attend high school at age 19.

Always a prolific reader, he consciously chose to become a writer to escape from the horrific prospects④ of life as a factory worker. He studied other writers and began to submit stories, jokes, and poems to various publications, mostly without success.

Spending the winter of 1897 in the Yukon provided the metaphorical⑤ gold for his first stories, which he began publishing in the Overland Monthly in 1899.

From some point he was a highly produced writer, who would produce over fifty volumes of stories, novels, and political essays.

Although The Call of the Wild in 1903 brought him lasting fame, many of his short stories deserve to be called classics, as does his critique⑥ of capitalism and poverty in The People of the Abyss in 1903.

London’s long voyage from 1907 to 1909 across the Pacific in a small boat provided material for books and stories about Polynesian and Melanesian cultures.

Often troubled by physical ailments⑦, during his thirties London developed kidney disease of unknown origin. On November 22, 1916, He died of renal failure on the ranch. Because his writings were translated in several dozen languages, he remains more widely read in some countries.

① infancyn. 婴儿期,幼年

② piratev. 做海盗,从事劫掠

③ poachern. 偷猎者,非法捕鱼者

④ prospectn. 前景,前途

⑤ metaphoricaladj. 用隐喻的,比喻的

⑥ critiquen. 批评,评论,评论文

⑦ ailmentn. 病痛,疾病









