
第6章 Charles Dickens

In 1812, Charles Dickens was born in Landport, Hampshire, during the new industrial age, which gave birth to theories of Karl Marx. Dickens’s father was a clerk in the navy pay office. He was well paid but often ended in financial troubles.

In 1814 Dickens moved to London, and then to Chatham, where he received some education. In 1824, at the age of 12, Dickens was sent to work for some months at a blacking① factory, Hungerford Market, London, while his father John was in Marshalea debtor’s prison. Later this period found its way to the novel Little Dorritt.

In 1824 Dickens studied at Wellington House Academy, London, and at Mr. Dawson’s school in 1827. From 1827 to 1828 he was a law office clerk, and then a shorthand② reporter.

At the age of eighteen, Dickens applied for a reader’s ticket at the British Museum. His career as a writer started in 1833. Dickens’s first sketch③ appeared in the Monthly Magazine in December 1833. In 1836, Dickens published his first novel The Pick-Wick Papers. Then he published the second novel Oliver Twist.

A Christmas Carol in 1843 is one of Dickens’s most loved works, which has been adapted into screen a number of times. Dickens used his own personal experiences of work in a factory in novel David Copperfield (1849—1850).

As Dickens matured artistically④, his novels developed from comic tales based on the adventures of a central character to works of great social relevance, psychological insight, and narrative and symbolic complexity.

Among his fine works are Little Dorritt (1855~1857), Great Expectations (1860~1861), and Our Mutual Friend (1864~1865). Readers of the 19th and early 20th century usually prized Dickens’s earlier novels for their humor and pathos. While recognizing the virtues of these books, critics today tend to rank more highly the later works because of their formal coherence⑤and acute perception of the human condition. In addition to those mentioned, Dickens’s major writings includeThe Old Curiosity Shop (1840~1841), Hard Times (1854), A Tale of Two Cities (1859).

He spent much time traveling and campaigning against many of the social evils. Several important novels were serialized.On June 9th, 1870, he suffered a fatal stroke and was buried in Westminster Abbey five days later.

① blackingn. 黑色涂料,鞋油

② shorthandadj. 用速记法的,会速记的,用速记记下的

③ sketchn. (文学上的)速写、随笔

④ artisticallyadv. 艺术地,美术地,艺术上说来

⑤ coherencen. 统一,连贯性







