
第8章 Ben Franklin

Every nation has its heroes, of course, if a nation is lucky, it has one who was so able in everything he or she did that the person’s legacy stretches① in many directions. Michelangelo comes to mind. Well, America has been fortunate in this respect, too.

Ben Franklin was an inventor not only of things, but also of ideas. First some of the things, Ben Franklin invented the lightning rod; he created the first wood stove with a pipe out the back that extended through the wall. You may say, “So what in these days of forced air heating?” But in his time, the Franklin Stove produced far more heat than a fireplace, cost less to operate, was less smoky, and became popular all over the world. Franklin also published America’s first magazine and organized its first postal service and its first lending library.

Ben Franklin was also famous, still is, 200 some years after his death for his witty② observations, like,“Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut afterwards.”Or, “There never was a good war or a bad peace.”Another on, “In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.”

But he was much more than just a clever tinker③ with things and words. This moon faced, simply dressed, somewhat obese man—he sometimes called himself “Mr. Fat sides”—was one of those who created the U. S. Declaration of Independence. It was he who put the “self-evident”in its most famous line—“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” When it appeared that the new United States may not be able to win its war against Britain, it was old Ben then in his seventieth, who was dispatched④ to Paris and talked the French into sending soldiers and ships to help the Americans, without which America today might well be a member of the British Common wealth. All the while he was in France, it must also be noted, he was pursuing, apparently with considerable luck, the ladies of King Louis XIV court.

Ben’s most enduring legacy, though, is the US Constitution he helped write in Philadelphia in 1787. When the delegates got into wrangles with one another on how this new kind of government should work, it was Benjamin Franklin who was always there to arrange a compromise.

On April 17,1790, Franklin died at the age of 84 in his beloved Philadelphia.

① stretchv. 伸缩,延伸

② wittyadj. 机智的,说话风趣的,幽默的

③ tinkern. 能做各种小修小补的人

④ dispatchv. 派遣,发送,快递






