
第7章 Albert Schweitzer to His Parents


Friday, 23 October 1908

My dear parents,

I have just been asked to participate in the gala concert that will be given on Monday evening in honor of the king and queen. I have accepted. I am to play a Handel concerto① for organ and orchestra and the organ part in Bach’s Magnificence. The tickets are horrendously expensive. Some of the boxes cost one thousand francs!The net receipts are earmarked for the Catalonian orphans. I am the only soloist in this concert.

I get no chance to write because so much time is wasted here; yesterday’s rehearsal② dragged on until 12∶30 A. M.! Today from 2∶00 to 6∶00!No one ever hurries, and they all smoke constantly. No sooner have we rehearsed for ten minutes than the conductor sits down, rolls himself a cigarette, and smokes it, and the instrumentalists do likewise and they don’t continue rehearsing until the cigarette has been smoked. Paul could see fiddlers galore here,each fiddling away with a cigarette in the corner of his mouth. At first I was annoyed at the waste of time, but now I am quite domesticated③, and I smile.

The newspapers have reported very positively on my lecture and my recital. On Saturday evening the auditorium will be sold out. I live very sensibly. I have just taken a big two-hour stroll along the large ring street, which runs from the hotel to the mountains. No rehearsal tomorrow morning!I’ll sleep, write and take a walk.

Yesterday I was amazed to see that they don’t take anything like the same security measure for the monarchs as in Germany. The crowd thronged around the king’s carriage, so it could advance only at a walking pace. Freedom reigns here. They did not even clear the streets for the military parade④. A woman with a donkey cart held up an entire regiment; it was too comical⑤. We went to the harbor—immensely huge—to see the French squadron.

The city and the people generally make the best impression. Everything is clean, everyone works.

It is ten-thirty at night. I am writing to you by the open window and the large palm trees are swaying⑥ in the wind.

I embrace you with all my heart,


① concerto n. [音]协奏曲

② rehearsaln. 排练,试演,练习

③ domesticatedadj. 喜欢家庭生活的

④ paraden. 行进,行列,游行

⑤ comicaladj. 滑稽的,诙谐的,古怪的

⑥ swayv. 摇动,摇摆











