
第2章 Family in France

Daily social relations are always dominated① by family ties. The family has been the focus of the individual’s loyalty and affection, of his economic interest, and even of his legal duty.

Many an old Frenchman spent his youth in a world where he was expected to regard his cousin, uncle, and grandmother as more important to him than his friends of his own age.

French family needs and demands were put before those of local community② or even those of the state: “I can’t pay my taxes because I have a duty to support my uncle.” has been a common French attitude.

The main change since the war is that the focus of loyalty has been steadily narrowed from “extended family” to the “nuclear family”. But, many younger couples today prefer pleasure traveling with couples of friends to reunion with big families at weekends or in August.

Moreover, for several decades③ , although French governments anxiously reacted in population growth, the French birth-date has been falling steadily as in other Western countries.

① dominatev. 支配,控制;在……中占主要地位

② communityn. 社区,共同社会

③ decaden. 十年





