
第1章 The History of Table Tennis

Table tennis is a sport immediately associated① with the East. However, it was created by Europeans. The origins of Table Tennis are not very certain. It is a relatively new sport; a lot younger than lawn tennis but slightly older than basketball.

The earliest form of the sport was called indoor tennis and was played by British soldiers stationed in India and South Africa. Some of the best creations in the world arise out of boredom and it appears that the British soldiers in 19th Century outposts of their empire were very bored indeed. They used cigar tin lids as bats, wine bottle corks as balls and tables as courts. They fashioned a net by placing a row of books across the centre of a table.

In the early 20th Century improvements were made to the equipment and in 1921 a table tennis association was established in Britain. Table tennis organizations soon started to sprout② up in other European countries. The first world championship was held in London in 1927 and from then until the Second World War the sport was dominated by Hungary and Czechoslovakia.

After the war Asian stars began to rise and by the Fifties they had already started to dominate the sport. Asian players brought two important innovations to the game. The first was the introduction of the foam rubber paddle by Japan’s Horoi Satoh in 1952. This made the game faster and allowed players to put more spin on the ball. The second contribution that Asian players made was the “penholder” grip in which the paddle is held between the forefinger and the thumb. This grip improved player’s ability to maneuver③ the paddle.

In 1988, about one hundred years after bored soldiers goofed about with lids and corks, table tennis was accepted as an Olympic sport.

Table tennis is the official name of the sport but it was formerly known as ping pong. This name is credited to an English man by the name of Gibb. Back in 1900, when the sport was still in its infancy④, Gibb started to use celluloid balls to play and came up with the name “ping pong” from the sound they made when hit from the paddle to the table. In 1901, a British sports manufacturer called Jean Jacques registered⑤ “Ping Pong” as a trade name and sold the American rights to Parker Brothers. The Parker Brothers wouldn’t allow anyone to use the term without paying them a huge amount of money instead so the organizers of competitions started to use the name table tennis instead.

① associatev. 联想,把……联想在一起

② sproutv. 很快地成长

③ maneuverv. 巧妙地操纵(或处理)

④ infancyn. 初期,未发达阶段

⑤ registerv. 登记,注册,申报







“Table tennis”是这项运动的正式名称,但它之前却被称为“ping pong”。而这个名字是一个名叫基博的英国人给起的。在这项运动尚处在幼年时期的1900年,基博开始把赛璐珞材质的球作为比赛用球,并根据球体由球拍击出后到撞击球桌过程中所产生的声音,提出了“ping pong”这一名称。1901年,一家名为“让·雅克”的英国运动器械制造商注册了“Ping Pong”商标,并将美国地区的使用权出售给了帕克兄弟公司。而帕克兄弟公司不允许任何人使用这一名称,除非向其支付高额费用,所以比赛的组办者转而使用“table tennis”这个名称。