
第18章 Bowling

Ten-Pin Bowling is a sport with a simple aim—to knock down as many targets as possible by rolling a ball down a wooden pathway. The game is made more difficult by gutters, which run along either side of this pathway (called the “lane”). If a ball falls into a gutter①, no targets will be hit, and therefore no score will be acquired.

Despite its apparent simplicity②, ten-pin bowling is one of the world’s largest participation sports. In North America especially, it has grown into an important part of the culture, with many people looking on a trip to the bowling alley③ as a social occasion as well as a chance to play their sport.

Bowling can be dated back as far as 5200 BC with notable artifacts being discovered from the ancient Egyptian era in the tomb of a child. The primitive implements included nine pieces of stone at which a stone “ball” was rolled, the ball having first to roll through an archway made of three pieces of marble. Another ancient discovery was the Polynesian game of Ula Maika, also using pins and balls of stone. The stones were to be rolled at targets 60 feet away, which happens to be the same distance used in modern ten pin bowling.

Bowling at pins probably originated in ancient Germany, not as a sport but as a religious④ ceremony. Martin Luther is credited with settling on nine as the ideal number of pins. In England, King Henry the Eighth is said to have bowled using cannon balls. The game of Kegal grew around Germany and parts of Europe with Keglars rolling balls at nine long thin skittles. Nine pin bowling spread to the UK and America where it took off in a big way.

It became so popular in America that by the mid-19th century indoor lanes were being built throughout Manhattan and the Bronx and on westward, in Syracuse, Buffalo, Cincinnati, Chicago, Milwaukee and other cities with large German populations. In 1875, delegates⑤ from nine bowling clubs in New York and Brooklyn met in Germania Hall in the Bowery and organized the National Bowling Association. This was the first attempt to bring order out of chaos. Disagreement raged between East and West, principally the alignment of New York State bowlers against everyone else to the west. On Sept. 9, 1895, the American Bowling Congress was organized in Beethoven Hall in New York City.

Nine pin bowling alleys became seedy gambling and drinking dens of somewhat ill repute⑥ and during the time of prohibition in the US, the game was banned. The following for this game however was far too big and to get around the ban, a tenth pin was added and the formation of the pins was changed from the diamond to the familiar triangle we know today.

① guttern. 天沟,檐槽

② simplicityn. 简单,简易,简明

③ alleyn. (保龄球等的)球道,保龄球场

④ religiousadj. 宗教的,宗教上的

⑤ delegatev. 委派……为代表

⑥ reputen. 名气,声望,名誉




随着在一个古埃及时代的孩童墓穴中发现了一些值得注意的古器物,保龄球的历史就可以追溯到公元前5200年。这些远古器具包括9块石头,它们被当作了石“球”的滚击目标,而那球之前还要滚过一个由三片大理石制成的拱道。另一项考古发现是,同样用到了石瓶和石球的玻利尼西亚运动——“Ula Maika”。这些石头会被滚向60英尺开外的标靶,而这恰恰就是在现代十瓶保龄球运动中所使用的距离。


