
第9章 The Joys of Surfing

It’s dawn①on a quiet Hawaiian beach, and huge waves are rolling in. As the sun appears on the horizon②, a few stoked surfers paddle out through the waves. For most people, cold, rough③ocean is the last place they want to be at daybreak. But for surfers, this is heaven.

Surfing’s ancient origins lie along the shores of Hawaii, which is still considered the sport’s spiritual home. In the nineteenth century, long before surfing became popular elsewhere, Hawaiian chiefs were masters of the waves. They had their own private surf beaches, and rode waves on long, heavy wooden boards.

Born in 1890, Hawaiian Duke Kahanamoku is one of the king kahunas of surfing folklore. During surfing demonstrations, he would often perform daring tricks, like standing on his head while surfing! Duke was an Olympic swimmer, a professional actor, and even a national hero. In 1925, he used his surfboard to power through rough waves and save eight people from an overturned④boat.

① dawnn. 黎明,拂晓

② horizonn. 地平线

③ roughadj. 狂暴的,剧烈的

④ overturnedadj. 翻转的,倒下的




生于 1890年的夏威夷人杜克·卡那莫库是民间传说中冲浪的佼佼者。当他示范冲浪动作时,经常会表演大胆过人的特技,例如倒立式冲浪!杜克是奥运游泳选手专业演员,甚至还是夏威夷民族英雄。1925年,他曾踏着冲浪板奋力冲破惊涛骇浪,从一艘翻覆的船中救出8条人命。