
第1章 沙丘的故事(1)


关于这篇故事,安徒生在他1869年出版的《故事全集》中写道:“我发现这里(即安徒生当时访问过的斯卡根和尤特兰西海岸)的大自然和生活习俗很美。它们成为溶进我的创作中的思想基础。这些思想长期萦绕在我的脑际。它们源于我和丹麦诗人奥伦施拉格的一次谈话。他的话在我年轻的心里留下了很深的印象。不过那时我的理解只停留在字面上,不像现在这样清楚。 “我们谈到‘永恒’的问题,奥伦施拉格问:‘你为什么那样有把握,认为此生以后还有另一个生命?’我向他肯定,我完全相信这一点,根据是上帝的大公无私。不过我对他讲的时候,我使用了不恰当的字眼:‘这是人的要求’。




A Story from the SandHills沙丘的故事

This story is from the sanddunes or sandhills of Jutland,but it does not begin there in the North,but far away in the South,in Spain. The wide sea is the highroad from nation to nation,journey in thought,then,to sunny Spain. It is warm and beautiful there. the fieryfiery adj.火的,火焰的,炽热的,热烈的 pomegranate flowers peep from among dark laurels,a cool refreshing breeze from the mountains blows over the orange gardens,over the Moorish halls with their golden cupolas and coloured walls. Children go through the streets in procession with candles and waving banners,and the sky,lofty and clear with its glittering stars,rises above them. Sounds of singing and castanetscastanets n.响板(用硬木或象牙制成的) can be heard,and youths and maidens dance upon the flowering acacia trees,while even the beggar sits upon a block of marble,refreshing himself with a juicy melon,and dreamily enjoying life. It all seems like a beautiful dream.


Here dwelt a newly married couple who completely gave themselves up to the charm of life,indeed they possessed every good thing they could desire—health and happiness,riches and honour.


“We are as happy as human beings can be.” said the young couple from the depths of their hearts. They had indeed only one step higher to mount on the ladder of happiness—they hoped that God would give them a child,a son like them in form and spirit. The happy little one was to be welcomed with rejoicing,to be cared for with love and tenderness,and enjoy every advantage of wealth and luxury that a rich and influential family can give. So the days went by like a joyous festival.


“Life is a gracious gift from God,almost too great a gift for us to appreciate!” said the young wife. “Yet they say that fulness of joy for ever and ever can only be found in the future life. I cannot realise it!”


“The thought arises,perhaps,from the arrogance of men.” said the husband. “It seems a great pride to believe that we shall live for ever,that we shall be as gods! Were not these the words of the serpentserpent n.大毒蛇,阴险的人,the father of lies?”


“Surely you do not doubt the existence of a future life?” exclaimed the young wife. It seemed as if one of the first shadows passed over her sunny thoughts.


“Faith realises it,and the priests tell us so,” replied her husband,“but amid all my happiness I feel that it is arrogant to demand a continuation of it—another life after this. Has not so much been given us in this world that we ought to be,we must be,contented with it?”

“牧师们说过,只有信心能保证死后的生活!” 年轻人回答说,“不过在我的幸福之中,我觉得,同时也认识到,如果我们还要求有死后的生活——永恒的幸福——那么我们就未免太大胆,太狂妄了。我们在此生中所得到的东西还少吗?我们对于此生应当、而且必须感到满意。”

“Yes,it has been given to us,” said the young wife,“but this life is nothing more than one long scene of trial and hardship to many thousands. How many have been cast into this world only to endure povertypoverty n.贫穷,贫困,贫乏,缺少,shame,illness,and misfortune? If there were no future life,everything here would be too unequally divided,and God would not be the personificationpersonification n.化身 of justice.”


“The beggar there,” said her husband,“has joys of his own which seem to him great,and cause him as much pleasure as a king would find in the magnificence of his palace. And then do you not think that the beast of burden,which suffers blows and hunger,and works itself to death,suffers just as much from its miserable fate? The dumb creature might demand a future life also,and declare the law unjust that excludesexclude vt.拒绝接纳,把……排除在外,排斥 it from the advantages of the higher creation.”
