
第13章 沙丘的故事(13)


The spring storms began to blow. The rolling and moaning of the North Sea could be heard for miles inland when the wind was blowing,and then it sounded like the rushing of a thousand waggons over a hard road with a mine underneath. Jurgen heard these sounds in his prison,and it was a relief to him. No music could have touched his heart as did these sounds of the sea—the rolling sea,the boundless sea,on which a man can be borne across the world before the wind,carrying his own house with him wherever he goes,just as the snail carries its home even into a strange country.


He listened eagerly to its deep murmur and then the thought arose “Free! Free! How happy to be free,even barefooted and in ragged clothes!” Sometimes,when such thoughts crossed his mind,the fiery nature rose within him,and he beat the wall with his clenched fists.


Weeks,months,a whole year had gone by,when Niels the thief,called also a horsedealer,was arrested; and now better times came,and it was seen that Jurgen had been wrongly accused.


On the afternoon before Jurgens departure from home,and before the murder,Niels the thief,had met Martin at a beerhouse in the neighbourhood of Ringkjobing. A few glasses were drank,not enough to cloud the brain,but enough to loosen Martins tongue. He began to boast and to say that he had obtained a house and intended to marry,and when Niels asked him where he was going to get the money,he slapped his pocket proudly and said:那桩谋杀事件是在雨尔根离家后发生的。在头一天的下午,小偷尼尔斯在林却平湾附近一个农人开的啤酒店里遇见了莫尔登。他们喝了几杯酒——还不足以使任何人头脑发昏,但却足够使莫尔登的舌头放肆。他开始吹嘘起来,说他得到了一幢房子,打算结婚。当尼尔斯问他打算到哪里去弄钱的时候,莫尔登骄傲地拍拍衣袋。

“The money is here,where it ought to be.” This boast cost him his life,for when he went home Niels followed him,and cut his throat,intending to rob the murderedmurder v.谋杀n.谋杀,凶杀 man of the gold,which did not exist.


All this was circumstantially explained; but it is enough for us to know that Jurgen was set free. But what compensation did he get for having been imprisoned a whole year,and shut out from all communicationcommunication n.传达,信息,交通,通讯 with his fellow creatures? They told him he was fortunate in being proved innocent,and that he might go. The burgomaster gave him two dollars for travelling expenses,and many citizens offered him provisions and beer—there were still good people,they were not all hard and pitiless. But the best thing of all was that the merchant Bronne,of Skjagen,into whose service Jurgen had proposed entering the year before,was just at that time on business in the town of Ringkjobing. Bronne heard the whole story,he was kindhearted,and understood what Jurgen must have felt and suffered. Therefore he made up his mind to make it up to the poor lad,and convince him that there were still kind folks in the world.


So Jurgen went forth from prison as if to paradise,to find freedom,affection,and trust. He was to travel this path now,for no goblet of life is all bitterness,no good man would pour out such a draught for his fellowman,and how should He do it,Who is love personifiedpersonify vt.赋予……以人性,使人格化?


“Let everything be buried and forgotten.” said Bronne,the merchant,“Let us draw a thick line through last year: we will even burn the almanack. In two days we will start for dear,friendly,peaceful Skjagen. People call it an outoftheway corner,but it is a good warm chimneycorner,and its windows open toward every part of the world.”


What a journey that was. It was like taking fresh breath out of the cold dungeon air into the warm sunshine. The heather bloomed in pride and beauty,and the shepherdboy sat on a barrow and blew his pipe,which he had carved for himself out of a sheep bone. Fata Morgana,the beautiful aerial phenomenonphenomenon n.现象 of the wilderness,appeared with hanging gardens and waving forests,and the wonderful cloud called “Lokeman driving his sheep” also was seen.
