
第4章 沙丘的故事(4)

In a moment the fisher people sprung from their beds and hastily dressed themselves. The moon had risen,and it was light enough to make the surrounding objects visible to those who could open their eyes in the blinding clouds of sand,the violence of the wind was terrible,and it was only possible to pass among the sandhills if one crept forward between the gusts,the salt sprayspray n.喷雾,飞沫vt.喷射,喷溅 flew up from the sea like down,and the ocean foamed like a roaring cataract towards the beach. Only a practised eye could discern the vessel out in the offing,she was a fine brig,and the waves now lifted her over the reef,three or four cables’ length out of the usual channel. She drove towards the shore,struck on the second reef,and remained fixed.


It was impossible to render assistance,the sea rushed in upon the vessel,making a clean breach over her. Those on shore thought they heard cries for help from those on board,and could plainly distinguish the busy but useless efforts made by the stranded sailors. Now a wave came rolling onward. It fell with enormous force on the bowsprit,tearing it from the vessel,and the stern was lifted high above the water. Two people were seen to embrace and plungeplunge vi.投入,跳进,陷入vt.使投入,使插入,使陷入 n.跳进,投入 together into the sea,and the next moment one of the largest waves that rolled towards the sandhills threw a body on the beach. It was a woman,the sailors said that she was quite dead,but the women thought they saw signs of life in her,so the stranger was carried across the sandhills to the fishermans cottage. How beautiful and fair she was! She must be a great lady,they said.


They laid her upon the humble bed,there was not a yard of linen on it,only a woollen coverlet to keep the occupantoccupant n.占有者,居住者 warm.


Life returned to her,but she was delirious,and knew nothing of what had happened or where she was,and it was better so,for everything she loved and valued lay buried in the sea. The same thing happened to her ship as to the one spoken of in the song about “The King of Englands Son”。

生命又回到她身上来了,但是她在发烧;她一点也不知道发生了什么事情,也不知道自己现在在什么地方。这样倒也很好,因为她喜欢的东西现在都被埋葬在海底了。正如《英国的王子》中的那支歌一样:“Alas! how terrible to seeThe gallant bark sink rapidly.”

“ 这情景真使人感到悲哀,


Fragments of the wreck and pieces of wood were washed ashore; they were all that remained of the vessel. The wind still blew violently on the coast.


For a few moments the strange lady seemed to rest,but she awoke in pain,and uttered cries of anguishanguish n.痛苦,苦恼vt.使极苦闷,使极痛苦vi.感到痛苦 and fear. She opened her wonderfully beautiful eyes,and spoke a few words,but nobody understood her.—And lo! As a reward for the sorrow and suffering she had undergone,she held in her arms a newborn babe. The child that was to have rested upon a magnificent couch,draped with silken curtains,in a luxuriousluxurious adj.奢侈的,豪华的 home. It was to have been welcomed with joy to a life rich in all the good things of this world,and now Heaven had ordained that it should be born in this humble retreat,that it should not even receive a kiss from its mother,for when the fishermans wife laid the child upon the mothers bosom,it rested on a heart that beat no more—she was dead.

她休息了不到几分钟就开始痛苦地叫喊起来。她睁开一对美丽的眼睛,讲了几句话——但是谁也无法听懂。作为她所受的苦痛和悲哀的报偿,现在她怀里抱着一个新生的婴儿——一个应该在豪华的公馆里、睡在绸帐子围着的华美的床上的婴儿。他应该到欢乐中去,到拥有世界上一切美好东西的生活中去。但是上帝却叫他生在一个卑微的角落里,他甚至于还没有得到母亲的一吻。 渔人的妻子把孩子放到他母亲的怀里。他躺在一颗停止了搏动的心上,因为她已经死了。

The child that was to have been reared amid wealth and luxury was cast into the world,washed by the sea among the sandhills to share the fate and hardships of the poor.


Here we are reminded again of the song about “The King of Englands Son”,for in it mention is made of the custom prevalent at the time,when knights and squires plundered those who had been saved from shipwreck. The ship had stranded some distance south of Nissum Bay,and the cruel,inhuman days,when,as we have just said,the inhabitants of Jutland treated the shipwrecked people so crudelycrudely adv.照自然状态,不成熟地,粗杂地 were past,long ago. Affectionate sympathy and selfsacrifice for the unfortunate existed then,just as it does in our own time in many a bright example. The dying mother and the unfortunate child would have found kindness and help wherever they had been cast by the winds,but nowhere would it have been more sincere than in the cottage of the poor fishermans wife,who had stood,only the day before,beside her childs grave,who would have been five years old that day if God had spared it to her.
