
第22章 Good Humour(3)

Here rests a remarkably stingy (stingy adj.吝啬的,小气的,缺乏的,有刺的)woman.During her lifetime she used to get up at night and mew,so that the neighbours might think she kept a cat—she was so remarkably stingy.


Here lies a lady of good family;in company she always wanted to let her singing be heard,and then she sang“mi manca la voce”,that was the only true thing in her life.

这儿躺着一个出自名门的小姐,她跟别人在一起的时候,总是希望人们听到她的歌声。她唱:“mi manca lavoce!”这是她生命中一件惟一真实的事情。

Here is a maiden of another kind.When the canary bird of the heart begins to chirp (chirp v.吱喳而鸣,尖声地说n.喳喳声,唧唧声),reason puts her fingers in her ears.The maiden was going to be married,but—well,its an everyday story,and we will let the dead rest.


Here sleeps a widow who carried melody in her mouth and gall in her heart.She used to go out for prey in the families round about.And the prey she hunted was her neighboursfaults,and she was an indefatigable (indefatigable adj.不知疲倦的)hunter.


Heres a family sepulchre (sepulcher n.坟墓).Every member of this family held so firmly to the opinions of the rest,that if all the world,and the newspapers into the bargain,said of a certain thing it is so and so,and the little boy came home from school and said,“Ive learned it thus and thus.”they declared his opinion to be the only true one,because he belonged to the family.And it is an acknowledged fact,that if the yard cock of the family crowed at midnight,they would declare it was morning,though the watchmen and all the clocks in the city were crying out that it was twelve oclock at night.


The great poet Goethe concludes his“Faust”with the words“may be continued”,and our wanderings in the churchyard may be continued too.I come here often.If any of my friends,or my nonfriends,go on too fast for me,I go out to my favourite spot,and select a mound,and bury him or her there—bury that person who is yet alive;and there those I bury must stay till they come back as new and improved characters.I inscribe their life and their deeds,looked at in my fashion,in my record;and thats what all people ought to do.They ought not to be vexed (vexed adj.焦急的,为难的,恼怒的)when any one goes on ridiculously,but bury him directly,and maintain their good humour,and keep to the Intelligencer,which is usually a book。written by people under competent guidance.


When the time comes for me to be beund with my history in the boards of the grave,I hope they will put up as my epitaph(epitaph n.墓志铭,碑文),“A good humoured one.”And thats my story.
