
第5章 The Garden of Paradise(5)

“So this then is the way to the garden of paradise?”asked the prince,as they entered the cavern (cavern n.巨洞,洞窟,深处vt.放于山洞中,挖空).It was indeed cold;but the cold soon passed,for the East Wind spread his wings,and they gleamed like the brightest fire.As they passed on through this wonderful cave,the prince could see great blocks of stone,from which water trickled,hanging over their heads in fantastic (fantastic adj.幻想的,奇异的,稀奇古怪的,荒谬的,空想的)shapes.Sometimes it was so narrow that they had to creep on their hands and knees,while at other times it was lofty and wide,like the free air.It had the appearance of a chapel for the dead,with petrified petrify v.石化,吓呆organs and silent pipes.“We seem to be passing through the valley of death to the garden of paradise.”said the prince.


But the East Wind answered not a word,only pointed forwards to a lovely blue light which gleamed in the distance.The blocks of stone assumed a misty (misty adj.有薄雾的)appearance,till at last they looked like white clouds in moonlight.The air was fresh and balmy,like a breeze from the mountains perfumed with flowers from a valley of roses.A river,clear as the air itself,sparkled at their feet,while in its clear depths could be seen gold and silver fish sporting in the bright water,and purple eels emitting sparks of fire at every moment,while the broad leaves of the waterlilies,that floated on its surface,flickered with all the colors of the rainbow.The flower in its color of flame seemed to receive its nourishment from the water,as a lamp is sustained by oil.A marble bridge,of such exquisite workmanship that it appeared as if formed of lace and pearls,led to the island of happiness,in which bloomed the garden of paradise.


The East Wind took the prince in his arms,and carried him over,while the flowers and the leaves sang the sweet songs of his childhood in tones so full and soft that no human voice could venture to imitate (imitate v.模仿vt.模仿,仿效,仿制).Within the garden grew large trees,full of sap;but whether they were palmtrees or gigantic waterplants,the prince knew not.The climbing plants hung in garlands of green and gold,like the illuminations on the margins (margin n.页边的空白,(湖、池等的)边缘vt.加边于,加旁注于)of old missals (missal n.弥撒用书)or twined among the initial letters.Birds,flowers,and festoons appeared intermingled in seeming confusion.


Close by,on the grass,stood a group of peacocks,with radiant tails outspread to the sun.The prince touched them,and found,to his surprise,that they were not really birds,but the leaves of the burdock tree,which shone with the colors of a peacocks tail.The lion and the tiger,gentle and tame,were springing about like playful cats among the green bushes,whose perfume was like the fragrant blossom of the olive (olive n.橄榄树,橄榄叶,橄榄枝,橄榄色).The plumage of the woodpigeon glistened like pearls as it struck the lions mane with its wings;while the antelope,usually so shy,stood near,nodding its head as if it wished to join in the frolic (frolic n.嬉闹vi.嬉戏adj.嬉戏的,欢乐的).The fairy of paradise next made her appearance.Her raiment shone like the sun,and her serene countenance beamed with happiness like that of a mother rejoicing over her child.She was young and beautiful,and a train of lovely maidens followed her,each wearing a bright star in her hair.


The East Wind gave her the palmleaf,on which was written the history of the phoenix;and her eyes sparkled (sparkle v.发火花,(使)闪耀,用眼神表达n.火花,闪光,光彩,活力)with joy.She then took the prince by the hand,and led him into her palace,the walls of which were richly colored,like a tulipleaf when it is turned to the sun.The roof had the appearance of an inverted flower,and the colors grew deeper and brighter to the gazer.The prince walked to a window,and saw what appeared to be the tree of knowledge of good and evil,with Adam and Eve standing by,and the serpent near them.“I thought they were banished from paradise.”he said.
