
第17章 The Last Dream of the Old Oak(2)

The great tree had once been small,indeed,in its cradle it had been an acorn.According to human computation(computation n.计算,估计),it was now in the fourth century of its existence.It was the largest and best tree in the forest.Its summit towered above all the other trees,and could be seen far out at sea,so that it served as a landmark(landmark n.(航海)陆标,地界标,里程碑,划时代的事)to the sailors.It had no idea how many eyes looked eagerly for it.In its topmost branches the woodpigeon built her nest,and the cuckoo carried out his usual vocal performances,and his wellknown notes echoed amid the boughs,and in autumn,when the leaves looked like beaten copper plates,the birds of passage would come and rest upon the branches before taking their flight across the sea.But now it was winter,the tree stood leafless,so that every one could see how crooked and bent were the branches that sprang forth from the trunk.Crows and rooks came by turns and sat on them,and talked of the hard times which were beginning,and how difficult it was in winter to obtain food.


It was just about holy Christmas time that the tree dreamed a dream.The tree had,doubtless,a kind of feeling that the festive time had arrived,and in his dream fancied he heard the bells ringing from all the churches round,and yet it seemed to him to be a beautiful summers day,mild and warm.His mighty summits was crowned with spreading fresh green foliage(foliage n.树叶,植物),the sunbeams played among the leaves and branches,and the air was full of fragrance from herb and blossom,painted butterflies chased each other,the summer flies danced around him,as if the world had been created merely for them to dance and be merry in.


All that had happened to the tree during every year of his life seemed to pass before him,as in a festive(festive adj.庆祝的,喜庆的,欢乐的,节日似)procession.He saw the knights of olden times and noble ladies ride by through the wood on their gallant(gallant adj.英勇的,豪侠的,堂皇的,壮丽的,华丽的)steeds,with plume(splume n.羽毛)waving in their hats,and falcons on their wrists.The hunting horn sounded,and the dogs barked.He saw hostile warriors,in colored dresses and glittering armor,with spear and halberd,pitching their tents,and anon striking them.The watchfires again blazed,and men sang and slept under the hospitable shelter of the tree.He saw lovers meet in quiet happiness near him in the moonshine,and carve(carve v.雕刻,切开)the initials(initial n.词首大写字母adj.最初的,词首的,初始的)of their names in the grayishgreen bark on his trunk.


Once,but long years had intervened since then,guitars and Eolian harps had been hung on his boughs by merry travellers,now they seemed to hang there again,and he could hear their marvellous tones.The woodpigeons cooed as if to explain the feelings of the tree,and the cuckoo called out to tell him how many summer days he had yet to live.


Then it seemed as if new life was thrilling through every fibre(fibre n.纤维,构造,纤维制品,[植]须根)of root and stem and leaf,rising even to the highest branches.The tree felt itself stretching and spreading out,while through the root beneath the earth ran the warm vigor(vigor n.精力,活力)of life.As he grew higher and still higher,with increased strength,his topmost boughs became broader and fuller,and in proportion to his growth,so was his selfsatisfaction increased,and with it arose a joyous longing to grow higher and higher,to reach even to the warm,bright sun itself.Already had his topmost branches pierced(pierce vt.刺穿,刺破,穿透,突破,深深感动)the clouds,which floated beneath them like troops of birds of passage,or large white swans,every leaf seemed gifted with sight,as if it possessed eyes to see.The stars became visible in broad daylight,large and sparkling,like clear and gentle eyes.They recalled to the memory the wellknown look in the eyes of a child,or in the eyes of lovers who had once met beneath the branches of the old oak.
