
第10章 The Wild Swans(3)

As soon as she had dressed herself again,and braided her long hair,she went to the bubbling spring,and drank some water out of the hollow of her hand.Then she wandered far into the forest,not knowing whither she went.She thought of her brothers,and felt sure that God would not forsake(forsake vt.放弃,抛弃)her.It is God who makes the wild apples grow in the wood,to satisfy the hungry,and He now led her to one of these trees,which was so loaded with fruit,that the boughs bent beneath the weight.Here she held her noonday repast,placed props under the boughs,and then went into the gloomiest depths of the forest.


It was so still that she could hear the sound of her own footsteps,as well as the rustling(rustling n.瑟瑟声,沙沙声)of every withered leaf which she crushed under her feet.Not a bird was to be seen,not a sunbeam could penetrate throughpenetrate (through v.穿透)the large,dark boughs of the trees.Their lofty trunks stood so close together,that,when she looked before her,it seemed as if she were enclosed within trelliswork.Such solitude she had never known before.The night was very dark.Not a single glowworm glittered in the moss.


Sorrowfully she laid herself down to sleep,and,after a while,it seemed to her as if the branches of the trees parted over her head,and that the mild eyes of angels looked down upon her from heaven.When she awoke in the morning,she knew not whether she had dreamt this,or if it had really been so.Then she continued her wandering;but she had not gone many steps forward,when she met an old woman with berries in her basket,and she gave her a few to eat.Then Eliza asked her if she had not seen eleven princes riding through the forest.


“No,”replied the old woman,“But I saw yesterday eleven swans,with gold crowns on their heads,swimming on the river close by.”Then she led Eliza a little distance farther to a sloping bank,and at the foot of it wound a little river.The trees on its banks stretched their long leafy branches across the water towards each other,and where the growth prevented them from meeting naturally,the roots had torn themselves away from the ground,so that the branches might mingle their foliage(foliage n.树叶,植物)as they hung over the water.


Eliza bade the old woman farewell,and walked by the flowing river,till she reached the shore of the open sea.And there,before the young maidens eyes,lay the glorious ocean,but not a sail appeared on its surface,not even a boat could be seen.How was she to go farther?She noticed how the countless pebbles on the seashore had been smoothed and rounded by the action of the water.Glass,iron,stones,everything that lay there mingled together,had taken its shape from the same power,and felt as smooth,or even smoother than her own delicate hand.


“The water rolls on without weariness,”she said,“till all that is hard becomes smooth,so will I be unwearied in my task.Thanks for your lessons,bright rolling waves.My heart tells me you will lead me to my dear brothers.”


On the foamcovered seaweeds,lay eleven white swan feathers,which she gathered up and placed together.Drops of water lay upon them,whether they were dewdrops or tears no one could say.Lonely as it was on the seashore,she did not observe it,for the evermoving sea showed more changes in a few hours than the most varying lake could produce during a whole year.If a black heavy cloud arose,it was as if the sea said,“I can look dark and angry too.”and then the wind blew,and the waves turned to white foam as they rolled.When the wind slept,and the clouds glowed with the red sunlight,then the sea looked like a rose leaf.But however quietly its white glassy surface rested,there was still a motion on the shore,as its waves rose and fell like the breast of a sleeping child.


When the sun was about to set,Eliza saw eleven white swans with golden crowns on their heads,flying towards the land,one behind the other,like a long white ribbonribbon n.缎带,丝带,带,带状物,带子.Then Eliza went down the slope from the shore,and hid herself behind the bushes.The swans alighted quite close to her and flapped their great white wings.
