
第12章 The Wild Swans(5)

They were now so high,that a large ship beneath them looked like a white seagull skimming the waves.A great cloud floating behind them appeared like a vast mountain,and upon it Eliza saw her own shadow and those of the eleven swans,looking giganticgigantic adj.巨人般的,巨大的in size.Altogether it formed a more beautiful picture than she had ever seen;but as the sun rose higher,and the clouds were left behind,the shadowy picture vanished away.


Onward the whole day they flew through the air like a winged arrow,yet more slowly than usual,for they had their sister to carry.The weather seemed inclined to be stormy(stormy adj.暴风雨的,多风暴的,激烈的,暴怒的,有暴风雨的),and Eliza watched the sinking sun with great anxiety,for the little rock in the ocean was not yet in sight.It appeared to her as if the swans were making great efforts with their wings.Alas!She was the cause of their not advancing more quickly.When the sun set,they would change to men,fall into the sea and be drowned.Then she offered a prayer from her inmost heart,but still no appearance of the rock.Dark clouds came nearer,the gusts of wind told of a coming storm,while from a thick,heavy mass of clouds the lightning burst forth flash after flash.


The sun had reached the edge of the sea,when the swans darted down so swiftly,that Elizas head trembled.She believed they were falling,but they again soared onward.Presently she caught sight of the rock just below them,and by this time the sun was half hidden by the waves.The rock did not appear larger than a seals head thrust out of the water.They sunk so rapidly,that at the moment their feet touched the rock,it shone only like a star,and at last disappeared like the last spark in a piece of burnt paper.Then she saw her brothers standing closely round her with their arms linked together.There was but just room enough for them,and not the smallest space to spare.The sea dashed against the rock,and covered them with spray(spray n.喷雾,飞沫vt.喷射,喷溅).The heavens were lighted up with continual flashes,and peal after peal of thunder rolled.But the sister and brothers sat holding each others hands,and singing hymns,from which they gained hope and courage.


In the early dawn the air became calm and still,and at sunrise the swans flew away from the rock with Eliza.The sea was still rough,and from their high position in the air,the white foam on the dark green waves looked like millions of swans swimming on the water.


As the sun rose higher,Eliza saw before her,floating on the air,a range of mountains,with shining masses of ice on their summits(summit n.顶点,最高阶层adj.政府首脑的vi.参加最高级会议的).In the centre,rose a castle apparently a mile long,with rows of columns,rising one above another,while,around it,palmtrees waved and flowers bloomed as large as mill wheels.She asked if this was the land to which they were hastening.The swans shook their heads,for what she beheld were the beautiful everchanging cloud palaces of the“Fata Morgana”,into which no mortal can enter.Eliza was still gazing at the scene,when mountains,forests,and castles melted away,and twenty stately churches rose in their stead,with high towers and pointed gothic(gothic adj.哥特式的,野蛮的n.哥特式)windows.Eliza even fancied she could hear the tones of the organ,but it was the music of the murmuring sea which she heard.


As they drew nearer to the churches,they also changed into a fleet of ships,which seemed to be sailing beneath her.But as she looked again,she found it was only a sea mist gliding over the ocean.So there continued to pass before her eyes a constant change of scene,till at last she saw the real land to which they were bound,with its blue mountains,its cedar forests,and its cities and palaces.Long before the sun went down,she sat on a rock,in front of a large cave,on the floor of which the overgrown yet delicate green creeping plants looked like an embroidered carpet.“Now we shall expect to hear what you dream of tonight.”said the youngest brother,as he showed his sister her bedroom.
