
第14章 The Goloshes of Fortune(8)


The poor volunteer came out of the last heart in the row quite bewildered. He could not collect his thoughts, and imagined his foolish fancies had carried him away.


“Good gracious!” he sighed, “I must have a tendencytendency n.趋向, 倾向 to softening of the brain, and here it is so exceedingly hot that the blood is rushing to my head.” And then suddenly recurred to him the strange event of the evening before, when his head had been fixed between the iron railings in front of the hospital.


“That is the cause of it all!” he exclaimed, “I must do something in time. A Russian bath would be a very good thing to begin with. I wish I were lying on one of the highest shelves.” Sure enough, there he lay on an upper shelf of a vapor bath, still in his evening costume, with his boots and goloshes on, and the hot drops from the ceiling falling on his face.


“Ho!” he cried, jumping down and rushing towards the plunging bath. The attendantattendant n.服务员 stopped him with a loud cry, when he saw a man with all his clothes on. The volunteer had, however, presence of mind enough to whisper, “It is for a wager,” but the first thing he did, when he reached his own room, was to put a large blister on his neck, and another on his back, that his crazy fit might be cured.

“唏!”他叫起来,同时跳下来去洗淋浴。 侍者看见这样一位衣服整齐的人去洗淋浴,不禁大笑起来。这位实习医生的神智还相当清楚,他说:“我为了打赌才这样做呀!”当他回到房间里去以后,他在颈项上贴了一块膏药,在背上也贴了一块膏药,想把他的疯狂吸收掉。

The next morning his back was very sore, which was all he gained by the goloshes of Fortune.


The Clerks Transformation


The watchman, whom we of course have not forgotten, thought, after a while, of the goloshes which he had found and taken to the hospital, so he went and fetched them. But neither the lieutenant nor any one in the street could recognize them as their own, so he gave them up to the police. “They look exactly like my own goloshes,” said one of the clerks, examining the unknown articles, as they stood by the side of his own. “It would require even more than the eye of a shoemaker to know one pair from the other.”


“Master clerk,” said a servant who entered with some papers. The clerk turned and spoke to the man, but when he had done with him, he turned to look at the goloshes again, and now he was in greater doubt than ever as to whether the pair on the right or on the left belonged to him.


“Those that are wet must be mine,” thought he, but he thought wrong, it was just the reverse. The goloshes of Fortune were the wet pair, and, besides, why should not a clerk in a police office be wrong sometimes? So he drew them on, thrust his papers into his pocket, placed a few manuscripts under his arm, which he had to take with him, and to make abstracts from at home. Then, as it was Sunday morning and the weather very fine, he said to himself, “A walk to Fredericksburg will do me good,” so away he went.


There could not be a quieter or more steady young man than this clerk. We will not grudgegrudge v.不给予 him this little walk, it was just the thing to do him good after sitting so much. He went on at first like a mere automaton, without thought or wish, therefore the goloshes had no opportunity to display their magic power. In the avenue he met with an acquaintanceacquaintance n.相识, 熟人, one of our young poets, who told him that he intended to start on the following day on a summer excursionexcursion n.远足, 游览, 短程旅行, 远足队, 离题, [物]偏移, 漂移.


“Are you really going away so soon?” asked the clerk. “What a free, happy man you are. You can roam aboutroam about v.漫游 where you will, while such as we are tied by the foot.”


“But it is fastened to the breadtree,” replied the poet. “You need have no anxiety for the morrow, and when you are old there is a pensionpension n.养老金, 退休金 for you.”


“Ah, yes. But you have the best of it,” said the clerk, “it must be so delightful to sit and write poetry. The whole world makes itself agreeable to you, and then you are your own master. You should try how you would like to listen to all the trivial things in a court of justice.” The poet shook his head, so also did the clerk, each retainedretain vt.保持, 保留 his own opinion, and so they parted.


“They are strange people, these poets,” thought the clerk. “I should like to try what it is to have a poetic taste, and to become a poet myself. I am sure I should not write such mournful verses as they do. This is a splendid spring day for a poet, the air is so remarkably clear, the clouds are so beautiful, and the green grass has such a sweet smell. For many years I have not felt as I do at this moment.”
