
第18章 The Goloshes of Fortune(12)

“How lovely to my wondering eyes

Mont Blancs fair summits gently rise,

This sweet to breathe the mountain air—

If you have gold enough to spare.”






Grand, dark, and gloomy appeared the landscape around him. The pineforests looked like little groups of moss on high rocks, whose summits were lost in clouds of mist. Presently it began to snow, and the wind blew keen and cold. “Ah,” he sighed, “if I were only on the other side of the Alps now, it would be summer, and I should be able to get money on my letter of credit. The anxiety I feel on this matter prevents me from enjoying myself in Switzerland. Oh, I wish I was on the other side of the AlpsAlps n.阿尔卑斯山.”


And there, in a moment, he found himself, far away in the midst of Italy, between Florence and Rome, where the lake Thrasymene glittered in the evening sunlight like a sheet of molten gold between the dark blue mountains. There, where Hannibal defeated Flaminius, the grape vines clung to each other with the friendly grasp of their green tendril fingers, while, by the wayside, lovely halfnaked children were watching a herd of coalblack swine under the blossoms of fragrant laurellaurel n.月桂树, 桂冠, 殊荣vt.使戴桂冠, 授予荣誉. Could we rightly describe this picturesque scene, our readers would exclaim, “Delightful Italy!”


But neither the student nor either of his travelling companions felt the least inclination to think of it in this way. Poisonous flies and gnats flew into the coach by thousands. In vain they drove them away with a myrtle branch, the flies stung them notwithstanding. There was not a man in the coach whose face was not swollen and disfigured with the stings. The poor horses looked wretched, the flies settled on their backs in swarmsswarm n.蜂群, 一大群v.涌往, 挤满, 密集, 成群浮游, 云集, and they were only relieved when the coachmen got down and drove the creatures off.


As the sun set, an icy coldness filled all nature, not however of long duration. It produced the feeling which we experience when we enter a vault at a funeral, on a summers day, while the hills and the clouds put on that singular green hue which we often notice in old paintings, and look upon as unnatural until we have ourselves seen natures coloring in the south. It was a glorious spectacle, but the stomachs of the travellers were empty, their bodies exhausted with fatigue, and all the longings of their heart turned towards a restingplace for the night, but where to find one they knew not. All the eyes were too eagerly seeking for this restingplace, to notice the beauties of nature.


The road passed through a grove of olivetrees, it reminded the student of the willowtrees at home. Here stood a lonely inn, and close by it a number of crippled beggars had placed themselves, the brightest among them looked, to quote the words of Marryat, “like the eldest son of Famine who had just come of age.” The others were either blind, or had withered legs, which obliged them to creep about on their hands and knees, or they had shrivelled arms and hands without fingers. It was indeed poverty arrayed in rags.
